
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/18 13:44:43
It is essential that these application forms ________ back as early as possible.A.must be sent B.It is essential that these application forms ________ back as early as possible.A.must be sentB.will be sentC.are sentD.be sent这题选啥啊? It is essential that these application forms _____A.must be sentB.will be sentC.are sentD.be sent 1.It was essential that the application forms __________1.It was essential that theapplication forms ____________back before the deadline.A.must besent B.would comeC.be sent D.were sent选B,但为什么不选C?2.If you _____that night,you mighthave b it is essential that all these features be checked twice.这句话对吗?这句话语法对吗?总觉得be checked 很别扭! only in the morning的意思 In the Morning in the morning的中文意思 It's in the morning In the morning I learned in English是什么意思 帮忙翻译下面这段话 翻译成英语金融危机阴霾下,我国的出口贸易规模大幅度萎缩,“出口转内销”被许多企业视为扩大销售增加盈利的一条途径,然而出口转内销并不能完美解决当前所面临 it is possible和it is probable that 区别 翻译一个巨型it is entirely possible thatA和B在价格、商品质量、服务水平等方面完全有可能有不同it is entirely possible that…… ___is possible that he has arrived.A.he B.it C.that D,this IT is possible that he will win,that 在从句中作什么成分? 名人为什么要用英文名 英语句子谓语动词问题第一句:there are good reasons for us to learn how to undertake responsibility toward others.第二句:it is crucial that we behave responsibly towards our environment.第一句中,为什么toward没加s而第二 在英语中,每个句子都必须有谓语动词吗? this calls into question all of our cultural assumptions that gay men are feminine这句英语的谓语动词是哪个 英语一句句子里的只能有一个谓语动词吗? 英语语法:请从语法角度分析下面这个句子:哪里是主句,哪里是从句,其中的各个语法成份,In the same way that people communicate with spoken language,they also express their feelings using unspoken “language” throug 用买椟还珠,滥竽充数,郑人买履,画蛇添足造,一个词造一句 滥竽充数.买椟还珠.郑人买履.画蛇添足这几个任选两个解释并造句一道题谢谢急需啊还有吗也可以对某楼的回答进行讨论啊 用"买椟还珠"造句 用郑人买履和买椟还珠造句 用买椟还珠造句 英语翻译我们感到非常抱歉.通常情况下,我们都会让客户寄回或者重新邮寄一次给客户,但是这个订单已经没有库存,所以我们给你提供了其他的两种方案,由于是我们的失误,我们愿意承担这个 求撕心裂肺的英文歌曲,类似she is gone的麻烦标明歌手. whoever引导主语从句谓语动词是单数还是复数 该怎么劝劝买椟还珠的先生 劝劝买椟还珠的先生在语文练习期中测试第5题,求快要长点的 买椟还珠什么意思 谁可以帮我起一个好听的英文名呀,带上音标哦,还有意思我是一个20多岁的女生