
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 00:39:24
求杜甫 秋兴八首(其一)、永怀古迹(其三)、登高 三首诗的原文… 尽快, 杜甫的《咏怀古迹 其5》和《岁暮》《秋兴八首 其1》解释颔联的意思(最好全部解释),“伯仲……萧曹”中的“萧曹”是指哪2个人物?这2句诗用了什么修辞手法刻画诸葛亮的形象? 从表达方 瑙右半边怎么读 请问,LOOK,ONE OF THER MEN (FALL) DOWN FROM THER HORSE.中,是FALLS ,还是IS FALLING? He is loves his teacher.这句里is是主动词吗?在这里is为什么成了助动词而不是动词?正确的写发是不是He is love his teacher I'm under the impression that you have told me about it.的意思under the impression of 的意思应该是得到咯这样的印象,但不知怎么翻译这句话 托云影波光活一数,托葫芦吐烟.明月何时照我还,三足鼎立.代表十二生肖中的哪个生肖呀 Make it tight,not___(松开).为何填loose,它不是形容词吗,这里应该填动词吧! 英语翻译尤其是“all but two women ” 该怎么翻 Go over to the next room.请问这一句话有语法错误吗? 什么日中什么?什么日如什么?朝什么夕什么?风什么浪什么?转什么为什么?什么云什么雾?什么味什么长? It was _____ who helped Tom out when he was in trouble.A.I B.me C.us D.ours 崔立  每天早上,我都是坐同一班公共汽车上班,每次上车,车上都没有空座.我习惯站在中门门口,这样利于我到站时下车.  中门旁的座位上,总是坐着一个七八岁的男孩,旁边总站着一 Although he didnot know me ,___helped me out of trouble.A:so he b:but he c:he It was( )that he moved out of the remoteIt was( )that he moved out of the remote village and settled down in the big city.(feel) 就是(因为他觉得孤单),他才搬出那个偏僻的村庄,在大城市定居下来. My grandparents gave all their money to my school and a c( ) show 茶在不同历史时期的不同功能 she gave John a present,but John gave her nothing...A in turn B in returnA in turn B in return一个是反过来一个是作为回报?到底填哪个 原因? 握雾na云的na是啥字, 急求英语作文 A career that i appreciate因为比较急.所以悬赏是80.程度不限.字数80~100字左右.回答期限是2小时内 dive,live,teach,go,watch,read,does的音标+cleaner的音标 1.Read and choose live,teach,read,watch,go,fly,chllect,wash,do,study 特殊形式:__________ 瑙不要王字旁是什么字如题 appreciate sth/doing/ that-句子 高中英语独立主格结构The question being settled,we went home.为什么用being!The question being settled,we went home.我们就回家了.为什么用being 顺便讲下独立主格中名词(代词)什么时候加过去分词什么时候 独立主格的题 the question being settle,we went home the独立主格的题the question being settle,we went homethe job finished,we went home两个句子都是与逻辑主语形成动宾关系,为什么第一个句子要加being,可不可以直 请用“as far as one is concerned” 造句 Air behaves like a simple material____than a mixture of gasesA.better B.more C.other D.rather 改为sb.suppose/claim+从句.I think these methods are very useful. __ have dinner in the seafood restaurant tonight?A.How about B.Shall we B.Why not C.Why don't__ have dinner in the seafood restaurant tonight?A.How about B.Shall we B.Why not C.Why don't 为什么? 根据句意及首字母提示填空:Air is a m __________of gases 英文中如何区分“书”和“本”?在英文中 书 和 本 都是翻译为book,但在外国肯定是有区分的,