
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/18 11:04:13
11点55分的英语怎么说? 晚上8点55分 英语怎么说 请问,到最近的医院怎么走6种英文表达方式1.Excuse me,which is _ _ _ the nearest hospital?2.Excuse me _ _ the nearest hospital?3.excuse me _ can l _ _ the nearest hospital?4.Excuse me could you tell me _ _ _ the nearest hospital?5.Excus 2008年8月8日的英语表达方式 在早上8点的英语表达方式 3:15,3:30,3:32,3:45的两种英语表达方式呢? 英语翻译 两条初一英语翻译,速度求解~1.你们多久举行一次这种比赛?__ __ do you have this __ __match?2.一切还好吗?__ is everything __? 英语翻译那位电影明星一直到演出快要结束时才出现.The film star______________________________灯应该放在舞台的两边Lights_______________________一周之后这本杂志将被还到图书馆去The magazine__________________ 英语翻译1,常言道,好的开端是成功的一半.2,警方盘问了他一个多小时.3,在演讲之前,他做了充分的准备工作.4,你经验丰富,成功的机会居多.5,10年前我做梦也没有想到今天我会拥有自己的汽车. 英语翻译五分钟的路程 英语翻译 英语翻译Mr.Manning (Bob Manning) my teacher asked me if you could spread the word that American students are sending you guys emails hoping to become PenPals.Only a couple people in our class have gotta some replies back. 英语翻译Jack buys a piece of beef.The butcher tells him the recipe and gives him some relish "But I can`t remeber your words".Jack says."Will you write them down for me?"The butcher does so.With the meat in his hand and the note in his pocket.Jac 英语翻译 求速度~!将来人们能再天空居住 People will____ _____ _____ live in space in the future .我的自行车和玛丽的一眼 My bike is _____ _____ _____ Mary‘s明天我将乘飞机去上海 Tomorrow I am _____ _____Shanghai 英语翻译 英语翻译1、It sounds good on paper ,i admitted ,but I am not sure it works in practice .Nothing is lost if it does not .Tomorrow there will be another taxi driver wo i can try to make happy2、w were waliking past a structure in the process of b 英语翻译 速度!Many people that have been to Australia often say that Australia has more beaches than any other country-about 7000! SO it's not surprising that it has one of the most famous beaches in the world,called Bondi Beach.It's one o 英语翻译一下,现在是21点05分 21点46英语翻译 英语翻译“我想咨询下你们,买1000件这个产品,不知道从英国买一共要花多少人民币?” 英语翻译你好Mike,我明天要去度假,希望你能帮忙照顾我的猫,每天用鱼和牛奶喂猫3次.每隔一天帮猫洗澡.外出时候记得关好门窗,以防猫走失.翻译照顾方法就行了 用英语写出下列时间 10:10 8:30 9:45 11:11 14:45 13:15 10:13 11:23 14:56 12:15 13:5010:55 8:17 13:52 12亿3千4百56万7千8百90用英语怎么说 英语翻译pull one’s  leg  初三 英语 英语翻译 请详细解答,谢谢! (21 10:27:56)Dear There`re always some things that let me in tears. I know that you didn't tell me anything,so it's just my guess and also I am not sure whether it's right or not. please believe m 10:22,5:30,9:55,10:50,1:30;2:40,3:10,4:58,6:18,7:48,8:15,9:45 用英语怎样翻译 6:06,4:44,12:59,10:15,5:55,4:52用英语说谢谢了, 把时间翻译成英文 3:45 1:15 8:55 2:20 4:05 11:21 数学译成英语 3.10 4.15 5.30 7.40 8.45 11.55 用英文怎么说11:15 11:45 11:05 11:55 11:30分一下中午晚上谢谢11:05 11:15 11:30 11:45 11:55 11.05 2.45 4.50 8.00的英语时间单词怎么写