
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 19:26:45
当祢面对一个有遗传缺陷的人(亲友、自己和朋友)时,祢应选择什么样的态度和行为?有人知道没啊 急 you can not trans code this file.because it's protected with DRM technogy 导游服务的性质和特点! Like the largest museum,the Palace Museum held treasures from the past 5000 years of Chinese history改错history 给我组一些AABC式的成语,如:喋喋不休最少4个!如题 歌词中“的”字何时读“di"? di lusso怎么念意大利语奢侈di lusso 怎么读呢? 保险标的应怎么念? 的 应读 DI 还是 DE? 汉字里所有念《di》的字?++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++分分分分分分分分分分分分 中国近代民族工业三个阶段的特点1从洋务运动到清末 2一战期间 3一战后到新中国建立前夕分别是什么 could not open mcl file for play back :275翻译成中文是什么意思? burn test 测试显示could not play back wave file,could not open midi sequencer or midi file是原因啊刚买了一个新的笔记本,测试声音时结果是这样,我不是很清楚,请各位高手指点! Son,once you put this picture back together,we can play catch,do not interrupt me again _until___ you finish.填 unless 为什麽? 英语翻译不知道这是哪国语言,是一个外国画家的画名,急用,Grand paysage aux arbres (Le cbamp triangulaire) le paradis 怎么读 accompanies怎么读啊·~谢le 法语这句怎么理解:Certes,le paysage séduit par sa pureté.字面理解好像风景被它的纯净吸引?真是难以理解,自己觉得应该是风景靠它的纯净来吸引(对象)吧?作者为什么要这么写? Every classroom in this modern school is __with a new TV set.选项 a.equipped b.installed c.fixed d.placed 1.I go to school (by bus) every day. 2.(There is a TV) in the classroom.对画线部分提问 好心人帮帮忙,明天交,在线等,好的给分 can not load library RoomIcon.我要进入联众世界时出现的提示, can not load library roomtcon. How___(luck)we are to study in this modern school.求详解 What can be written following this part?What can be written following this part?做英语短文时遇见这句话,它是短文下四个小问题中的一个, This could be a video that then solicits feedback from students我怎么翻译也觉得不通顺 I don't like to get early.Up.Of.At.这三个中I don't like to get early.Up.Of.At.这三个中是否是up C++语言中std::cout 她认为这个教育节目毫无意义 She ____ this______ program is ______.填空 i have many chocolates at home?这句话是对的吗?如果对 如果不对,错在哪里?1小时! "Roberta di Camerino. Jenny can't have left the office at four,or ________home by now.A she'll get B she has got C she will have got D she'd have got我想知道原因,怎么你们的答案不一样啊 ROBERTA DI CAMERINO 久光店怎么样 ROBERTA DI CAMERINO 金鹰店怎么样