
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 19:04:08
we left after he came back home改为同义句 同义句转换:Jack left China after his wife came back.Jack left China after his wife came back.Jack ( ) ( )China ( ) his wife came I left home after my mom came back改为同义句I_____ _____ home _____ my mom came back。She always listens to her lessons (carefully and quietly)对()内部分提问———— ———— she always ———— to her lessons? ___ ___ ___happens,I will stand by you. 谁会做? 请问“公司简介”英文应该怎样译呢? 英语翻译DIS是一家集研发、生产、销售为一体的从事家居清洁用品,家居生活用品的企业.公司依靠着强大的材料、工艺、技术、设计方面的优势,敢于创新,勇于开拓.公司秉乘着“以人为本,领 英语翻译有没有最正确的?要名词格式 My mother wants me to drink more milk 请问为什么这里要加to啊? My mother wants me milk every day.处是填drink还是to drink? My mother wants me to drink milk every day.(改为一般疑问句) My mother wants me ______ (drink) milk 用单词的适当形式填空 My mother wants me to drink milk every day,and she says it _______ my health. the little kid wants ___(see) his parents as soon as possible. 首字母填空.The kid got his e( ) at home. 武汉今天晚上有英仙座流星雨吗 听说今天凌晨有也有人说 今天晚上到明天凌晨有 是不是真的啊 英仙座流星雨 在武汉能不能看见?在西宁呢? I hope you will have a good development in China.I will always stand by you!Come on!有语法错误或者其他错误吗?这是给自己一个喜欢的人! I will always stand behind you,where you can see me once you turn don"t say gdoodbye!I will always stand 在讨论影子超光速时 影子和物体的的速度比等于距离比么光本身是要速度的 光在没照射过去之前没有影子 有描写颐和园的名人名言吗? 上海明天凌晨能看到英仙座流星雨吗?明天是七夕,上海能看到英仙座流星雨吗?具体是什么时间 哪个方位 陕西延安地区能看到明天凌晨的英仙座流星雨么? 明天凌晨有英仙座流星雨吗? 英语翻译 水面是光屏吗?水面的倒影是实像还是虚像? 求英语天才 、 改间接引语和直接引语“the sun is bigger than the moon ” the teacher said to us .Mr.Smith asked Mary if she would go out with him that night.She told you that she would fly to London the next day.The woman asked him wh 英语翻译Think Not What Your Company Can Do for You…In summary,it is important to think about what you have to offer to companies more than what they can offer you.In this current economic climate,turnover at many companies is high,particularly L could sing some english songs否定句 英语翻译从孩子出生到成年,家长几乎把孩子的一切都包了下来,做饭、洗衣服、打扫、攒钱供孩子读大学、出国、结婚、养儿育女等.尽管我们的家长都希望孩子成才、幸福,而这样的家庭教育 the boy can sing some english songs 改为否定句the boy( )( )( )english songs 英语翻译Hello everyone.welcome to Oral English Competition.today will be a special day.because17个学院的代表将在今天角逐,展示才华,为自己学院争光.首先请允许我为大家介绍今天到场的评委老师.他们是:欢