
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 17:45:51
Sarah and I()good friends all over与all through有什么区别all over强调面积上的,all through强调的是什么,记不清了 over、through、above的不同点 美国入境卡I-94上的D/S是什么意思 A,M,USA,P, what did you do yesterday afternoon? i watched him__football. Atoo play Bplay Cplayed Dplays. --What did you do yesterday?--I____football. 英语翻译 What do you play yesterday 哪里错了 数学不等式计算题某品牌计算机键盘的单价在60元至70元之间(含60元和70元),小王买3个这样的键盘花了X元,用不等式表示X的取值范围 一道数学计算题 不等式x/2+a大于等于2 的解集是0小于等于x小于1,那么a+b的值为?2x-b小于三空格前的两行是一个不等式组 把She reads a picture book这句话用yesterday改写 英语翻译能给我原文吗? 翻译I fine it exciting to go boating . 观沧海 中统领全篇的句子是 go cycling 翻译中文 《观沧海》的诗句《观沧海》中,展现海岛勃勃生机的诗句是展现大海宏伟气魄和博大胸怀的诗句是 英语翻译翻译成中文 英语翻译Everybody's wasting time Everybody stands in line Think of Babe Ruth And you think of hot dogs and beer But if he could hit a home run so could you And your weight is just nowhere near Am I making myself quite clear?Is that the best you c Helen (borrowed) my book the other day,(saying) that she would return it soon.Helen (borrowed) my book the other day,(saying) that she would return it soon.请问这个句子是什么时态?请问为什么要用saying?是表示伴随状况吗?表示 英语翻译1、安有说人主不能出其金玉锦绣,取卿相之尊者乎?2、妻侧目而视,侧耳而听;嫂蛇行匍伏,四拜自跪而谢.苏秦曰:"嫂,何前倨而后卑也?“ Mary,and,go,Kate,didn’t,school,yesterday,to连词成句 选择第一题.答案是2我认为是1. 现代文翻译一下 请帮我用现代文 《辨日炎凉》的现代文! Tom didn't return the book to me on time (改为同意句)Tim didn't ( )the book ( ) ( ) ( )on time. 去年紫陌青门,今宵雨魄云魂.断送一生憔悴,只消几个黄昏?谁写的 凡卡写信时为什么要描写乡村夜景?为什么回忆和爷爷砍圣诞树的事?具体点~ 语法填空高中英语 语法填空They took special coures when they studied atcollege.为什么用took,而不用had taken(在那以前) 春夜喜雨扩写要一百字以上. 扩写【春夜喜雨】400字左右,急