
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 21:00:52
帮忙起个关于敏君的英文名字我的gf叫敏君哦.大家帮忙起个有点关系的女生英文名哦. 现有4个自然数,他们的和是1111,如果要求这4个数的最大公约数,尽可能大,那么4个数的最大公约数是多少 我想要高2013年的生物会考答案谁有?谢谢啦! 可爱一点的英文名?我叫东敏 give all one's life to 同上,再线等3Q 英语翻译:一位名叫沈星的年轻军人为救一名落水儿童而献出生命.(give one’s life to) "give one's life to"中one's怎么读 中文翻译One way to lead a healthy life is to give way to overuse of medicine 我算不算不会放弃你的人,英文翻译是什么? 荷花的特征是什么? 不要放弃能读懂你的人 英语怎么说 荷花的特征 自动提款机英文操作界面流程,转账流程都会出现哪些程序和单词呀 2012年6级作文要描述漫画吗?这次12年12月考的英语作文,他题目又要描述那副漫画吗?我没有描述诶,怎么办,好担心. to understand the problem is very difficult.(用it作为形式主语)—— ——very difficult____ underst this is the problem very difficult to solveThis is the problem very difficult to solve.请问这句话的语法结构是什么呢?系动词引导的表语从句,那very difficult to solve充当什么成份?是不是相当于This is the problem which 求一个简单的英语词-----e Some people were telling the police what ______(happen) to the car.填什么 为什么 . some other people had parked their car in the place in font of his gardensome other people had parked their car in the place in found of his garden句子中的in the place in found 还有 为什么要用两个第2个IN加在found前是为什么 Most single parents find it very difficult to take care of a family alone .分析一下句子结构常看到加形式主语it加形容词,加不定式的这种表达,这句话中it 怎么后不用呢?如果这句话换成most single parents find it i A few people were killed in the fire,but( )A few people were killed in the fire,but( )were saved.A the majority of whom B most of whom C the most D the majority MAKE UP FOR EVER这个牌子怎么样? 纪梵希、 DIOR 、make up for ever这3个牌子中各个的最好用的是什么啊 还有什么是不要买的 河北省2007年3月公共英语三级成绩怎么查询啊 2007年的公共英语三级成绩出来了,哪里查?河北的 we need another week to finish the work.改为否定句 wwe need another week to finish the work.改为否定句 we ,another week to finish the work 两空 Tom is _ _than _else in his class.怎么填?意思是:Tom比班里别的人都高得多.怎么填哪? 英语:用适当形式填空 It will take a long time ____(build) a library.回答的时间为12:40前!越早越好 Watching English films___(take)me a long timeRT We need three _____ people ______ _______ the work.我们还要三个人干这项工作. It will take us a long time to learn English well.为什么不是It takes us a long time to learn English well.为什么?请说理由! It take me a long time to choose clothes为什么用定冠词a