
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 22:04:38
初中学过的化学方程式 求重力加速度公式的推导过程:g=(R/R+H)的平方,乘g从这个公式可以看出,在同纬度的地方,高度越高,g越小,那么,这个公式的推导过程是怎样的? 蜡烛顶上的那根线叫做什么? The teacher told us that we would not play football in the street.(改为同义句) The teacher told us that the sun ____in the east.填什么呢?并说明原因. 蜡烛燃烧时有 什么 产生,蜡烛逐渐变短. 长蜡烛和短蜡烛哪个先熄灭跟哪些因素有关 on the guard 、on the watch 、on watch 、on alert的区别是什么?The customs inspector was_____for smugglers.A.on the guard B.on the watch C.on watch D.on alert 为什么选B啊?我觉得几个意思都差不多诶... On love,keeping watch the stars. 为什么在操场跑道跑步时人们总是逆时针跑 --Mr.Li,I found a watch on the playground.--Mr.Li,I found a watch onthe playground.--Youshould try to find out ________.--Mr.Li,I found a watch on theplayground.--You should try to find out ________.A.whose is the watch B.who is theowner of the watch 跑步是顺时针方向好还是逆时针方向跑好 钢丝钳 克丝钳 老虎钳是一样的吗 关于凸透镜成像的蜡烛题蜡烛通过凸透镜在光屏上成一放大的像,如果在凸透镜上粘一个小黑点,则光屏上出现:A,没有黑点出现的像 B,一片漆黑 C,有一个放大的黑点像 D,有一个缩小的黑点像 凸透镜成像,上下移动蜡烛会有什么变化 The girl told me that she wanted to be an English teacher when she ()(grow)up 动词填空 3 Mary told me __she wanted to have an e-pal to chat with A \ B how C that D how The girl told me that she ___ beaten and she ___telephone the police.A.was; would B.has been; will C.had been; would D.had been; will 跑步是顺时针跑好还是逆时针跑好. The movie is very __,but I don't watch it . 氦元素 氦气和氦的化学式一样吗请问氧气和氧的化学式也一样吗?那氯气和氯的化学式呢?为什麼哦? 氦元素,钠元素, 贵阳哪里有卖小蜡烛的,就是那种可以拼图案的小蜡烛 怎样拼蜡烛最浪漫 数蜡烛用英文怎么拼 为什么跑步要围着操场逆时针跑? The teacher told his students that they _______ to be useful men to the countryA.were all expected B.were all expecting C.all were expected D.all expected选A,为什么,expected和excpting有什么不一样? 为什么人在操场上跑步时都是逆时针跑,不顺时针跑? 跑步时为何要逆时针绕操场上跑? His watch is black .My watch is white .His watch isn't the ( ) ( )mine .His watch is( ) ( ) ( ) 28. Black, ______ father of ______ Tom, lost his new watch.   A. /, / B. the, the C. the, /答案选A,具体解释是什么啊?c不可以吗?