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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 09:56:15
人而无信,不知其可的意思 知道的有重赏! “人而无信, 人而无信,不知其可也. "人而无信,不知其可?”谁说的? 这两句话区别在哪里Tom has been to Japan,I have also been there.Tom had been to Japan,I had also been there.我想写的中文意思是“汤姆曾去过日本,我也曾去过。”应该用哪句呢,第一句话的意思是不是现在 人而无信,不知其可也~什么意思啊?求大神帮助文言文的意思 He will forget to take his bag away.he will forget taking his bag away.请问这两句话的区别在哪里,谢谢 这两句话的差别She speaks English much more fluently than her brother.She speaks English much more fluent than her brother .She speaks Tnglish much more fluently than her brother did.这三句话有没有差别啊?不同在哪里呢?请详细 这两句话的区别在哪?1.我怀揣着小梦想在陌生拥挤的城市里守望着未知的希望.2.我怀揣小梦想在陌生拥挤的城市里守望着未知希望.这两句话虽然就差“着”字和“的”字,但是我总觉得这两 请问这两句话的区别在哪?Reported Malfunction Rate after 12 MonthsReported Accidnet Rate after 12 Months大概意思都是说12个月内的故障率吧?但实际的区别在哪? She is a___student.A primary school B Primary's School C primary school's D Primary Schools'She isn't___here today.A./ B.at C.on D.ofIt's time__to play games.A.to come B.to go 数列an 已知对任意正整数n a1+a2+a3+.an=2^n-1 则a1^2+a2^2+a3^2+.an^2= She studies in Class 1 Grade 6,Pengxing Primary School.这句英语对吗 英语-请问这两句话有区别吗?i have specialized in teaching math for five years.i have been specialized in teaching math for five years. 请问这两句英语用的对吗?区别是什么?我改名字了 :I changed my name!和 I have changed my name 前一句用法对吗?有什么区别 这两句英语有区别吗?这句话中in 与within有区别吗?the bird covered the distance in/within three minutes.这只鸟飞完全程只用三分钟.另请教一句:我正在修改报告,稍后发给你.这样翻译对吗?I am undating the r 英语,这两句有区别吗?1,I think that you are a good boy.2,I think you to be a good boy.这种从句和这种用法怎么老是区分不开?有何区别? 请问这两句英语有区别吗?make no difference与does not make any difference意思一样吗? 楚辞诗经中关于飞的句子 互斥事件的公式是P(A+B)=P(A)+P(B),怎么下面这样表示由互斥事件的概率公式得怎么是P(AB)呢 这个是CCTV9的哪位主持人?如题口型很有特点…… CCTV9主持人有哪些?如题. cctv9主持人有一个男主持人,两个耳朵很大,问有谁知道这个主持人? 英语翻译CCTV9有一个主持人叫田薇,她的头衔是CCTV anchor,不知道她的这个头衔应该如何翻译? How about ______(play)soccer this afternoon?一般过去式 拟人句,十句 there are many photoes on the wall 哪里有错 There()on the desk,they are ery beautzful A:are photoes B:are photos C:is a photoD:is phot2.there()some()in the riuerA:is,fish B:are,fish C:is,fishs D:\,fish There are ______ flowers in the garden.They are very beautiful.There are ______ flowers in the garden. They are very beautiful. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 妹妹的哭声的形容词请回答 Let' play soccer,Tom. Oh,no.It's too ____(bore)补全句子 英语:按要求完成句子,注意每条横线上只填一个单词1.The children like the ball.(改成一般疑问句)_________the chidren_______________the ball?2.Are these your pens?(不改变原句意思,改写句子)Are these __________