
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 20:20:30
co的平方是什么意思 我的名字有最后两个字叫炜伦,想改一个同音的英文名?简单又特别的有木有? 请会西班牙的帮我翻译一下:一切都会好的 翻成西班牙语哈 我叫冯婷~谁能帮我起个英文名字呢?我想要一个跟“婷”最好同音的,谢谢大家! The sun leaves behind a glow that lights the sky in the quiet water.请帮忙分析句子成分并翻译一下 汇款人西班牙语怎么说 老朋友用西语怎么说 “不敢靠近你”用西语怎么说, 人zhen de you qian shi jin sheng ma DO Ann and her mum live in the same city ?还是 Does Ann and her mum live in the same city ?哪个对? hang over Hang on Hang up Hang out sinx,cosx,cotx在x属于[0,45度间]的大小关系?并写出证明. an oily water separator,the oil ______ from water.A.will be separated B.separating C.will separate D.separated选哪个 为什么 Can you see a teacher in your ears?怎么回答 查出来的意思hang out 是挂住,hang about 是闲逛 但在这道题中:during the summer v...查出来的意思hang out 是挂住,hang about 是闲逛 但在这道题中:during the summer vacation ,kids are often seen hanging ___in the street . hang out 和 hang about 的区别 hang out with people that make you feel good about yourselves此句话是什么意思? Are Kate and Ann in ______ rows?A.different B.the different C.same D.the same 那hung out和hang out的区别是什么 she is being treated in the hospital是不是一个很难的句子? hang his family was p_____ and he h_____to leave school to make money. Are you in Row One Kate? 肯定回答是 X为锐角,求Y=(1+SINX)(1+COSX)的最大值 若sinx-siny=-2/3,cosx-cony=2/3,x,y为锐角,求tan(x-y)的值是多少 We know____ jaunary is ____ first month of a year 已知x等于3+2倍3根号2 y等于3-2倍根号2 求 y分之x加x分之y减4的值 要详细的解题过程 作业很急 谢谢了 民以食为天,食品安全关乎生命,食品安全更大过于天.如图, 英语翻译In the summer we'd be crazyWe'd fool around all the timeNow I get messed upAnd I fool around The classroom is quite quiet.说法对吗? for breakfast和breakfast和atbreakfast的区别在哪里 at breakfast是什么?