
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 11:50:08
考博需要准备多少时间? 考博需要准备什么?或者说是需要优势? 考博需要准备些什么 考博英语如何准备?谢谢! How long did___take you to do this work last nightA.this B.that C.it D.they说下原因,再翻译下句子谢谢~ —I caught ____bad cold and had to stay in ____bed . have a cold 与 have a sore throat 的不同(不是意思,而是一个没sore,一个有sore)解释一下为什么,还请举出几个例子! By the end of next July this building____a.will have been completed b.will be completed c.has been completed 选A,为什么呢?by the end of和什么时态连用呢?有类似的相关短语么? What's the matter with you?I have____.A.throat sore B.sore throat C.a throat sore D.a sore throat为什么选D?D选项中的单词是什么意思? 同义句 look,the train is running fast look,the train is running _____ _____ ______ if the work ___by the end of the month is delayed,the construction company will be fined.a,being completed b ,to be completed我觉得两个都可以啊? About ( ) the fans are waiting here.They want to see the great singer. an alarm clock 闹钟 alarm也不是形容词啊,怎么修饰clock? alarm 请教这句话的正确翻译正线等!Spend all my time loving you! 填空 The students ( ) (go)to school by bus every day He( )(see) a film tonight.改句Thry do not do their homework in the evening.(表单数句) My sister wants to be a shop assistant 改为否定句 USE USE UP 一定是过去式吗?既然已经用光了 肯定是过去式那有没有 The money is used up这种话呢?还是必须要 The money was used up.还有 “when your money is used up ,you can borrow some from your friends."这句话为什 I'll set an alarm clock to go off a few minutes early and put the clock by the telephone.1.全句意思直译帮我直译一下,句子结构帮我捋一下.2.to go off a few minutes early ,put the clock by the telephone,这两串词语, use up与use out的区别 her alarm clock didn't go use it up ,wear it out ,make it do or do without .是谁说的,背景是什么 I overslepe (because my alarm clock didn't go off )对括号里提问 use up用法书上说 use up:用完,耗尽,筋疲力尽(用于被动)是指“筋疲力尽”的时候用被动吗?请帮我举例说明 run out of不是等于use up吗,还有别的说法吗?run out of不是等于use up吗,还有别的说法吗? for sports and games let people____their body.A.exercise B.exercises C.to exercise Most of the day for sports and games give people valuable practice in exercising the body.谁帮我翻一下,还有就是practice,和谐exercising,都有锻炼的意思,为什么要用两个呢?在这里practice应该是名词,exercising应该是exer 请帮忙翻译成英文 上述单价不含17%增值税 use sth to do等于什么于是貌似是我没把问题说清楚。use sth to do 等于的英文短语。lotusviolet:我当然不是问这个啦= =、这里有个填空People use water to cook rice.同义句:People ______ water ______ ______ rice i set the alarm clock for 8:00.为什么用介词for,而不用别的介词,原因具体些哦, use to do sth等于 改写I have set the alarm clock for seven.(句意不变)