
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 05:55:44
I,ll call your father if you,er late tomorrow.要不明天就死定了!注明一下这里所有的逗号都是在上面的,不过我不知道怎样打在上面! 12月份电大网考计算机应用基础和大学英语B,如何能通过? 当m为何值时,经过两点A(m,2) B(-m,-2m-1)的倾斜角是120° 蛙发达的后肢能进行快速划水对吗?华南虎生下小虎,眼睛是瞎的,是近亲繁殖的结果,是缺乏什么?缺乏正常的生活环境还是遗传的多样性? 请问这句话是哪部电影的台词tell your dog not to feel too bad sooner or later ,we all lose our balls 2001年华南虎生下的俩只小虎为什么是瞎的如题 跟基因多样性什么关系 电影中这句台词为什么要这样说?暮光之城破晓下的一句台词,说 “你变成了不朽的”,为什么不是 You become immortality. 而是倒过来说?不朽的变成了你,这意思不和逻辑啊! 某动物园华南虎生下了两只小华南虎,眼睛是瞎的,科学家认为这是近亲繁殖的结果,这与基因的多样性有关系吗?(说明原因) 以下这句话是哪部电影里的台词?If the return is eternal life,the sun has lost is a very inconsequential thing? 英语翻译real-life penguins,though,have little to celebrate. 美国成为超级大国的历史原因 美国是超级大国吗 美国为什么可以成为现在的超级大国,历史原因是什么? how does your father go to work evening day? ()taxi. Does your father (paint)the whole evening?Does your father ______(paint)the whole evening? 为什么“he will help make dinner after he finishes his homework.”和“when you finish yourwork,please help me do the chores.”中的after和when后面的动词是一般现在时? he______(not do)his homework after dinner. what does your father uauslldy do after my,after,l,do,dinner,homework,连词成句 简要概括下列人物性格的优缺点以及最终结局宋江林冲吴用武松 What does your father do in the evening? He usually ____?____.A.watch TV B.exercises C.read books请问选那个啊? Either you or your father( )TV in the evening. 被判定在“华南虎事件”中造假的周正龙,在2008年11月17日被判有期徒刑2年6个月,缓期3年执行后 怎么还可以回家?怎么没有去坐牢? 请问这是哪个电影的台词So much spice,so much pain. After—(have)my breakfast,I went to school. My parents went out for a walk after ______(have)dinnerThe girl went to the park ______(have)a good time yesterday. I often go ( ) after school and then I have dinner 考研英语一和英语二要求的考研大纲词汇一样吗?如果不一样,是什么不一样?能用英语一的词汇书复习英语二的吗? after he finished __breakefast,he went to school.A..to have B.have C.having D.had After ( ) a quick breakfast,he went to school A.have B.has C.having D.to have 下面句子划线词语能否运用括号内词,为什么?(贾母倚栏坐下……)下面句子划线词语能否运用括号内词,为什么?"贾母倚栏坐下,命(请)刘姥姥也坐在旁边……" 用括号中的词替换划线部分的单词,并将句子的其他内容作相应的变化.1.The man has a pair of glasses.(men) 划线部分:man