
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 21:02:52
i'm glad that you like her 英语翻译美利坚合众国(United States of America)是一个由五十个州和一个联邦直辖特区组成的宪政联邦共和制国家.其东濒大西洋,西临太平洋,北靠加拿大,南接墨西哥.美国国土面积超过962万平 英语翻译nose to noseback to backneck and neckheart to hearteyeball to eyeballshoulder to shoulderface to facehand in handarm in armfrom mouth to mouth 英语题:1.-Where is the big desk? -It ________(take) to the hall just now.1.-Where is the big desk? -It ________(take) to the hall just now. 2.-Can I put the newspaper away, Dad? -No, ______ (read) it.3.-You are late again. -Sorry, I ______(l 1)It never pays to take risks where human saftey is concerned.2)usage is the generally accepted way in which words and phrases are actually used in a language. It’s a nightmare worrying where the children might be.worrying 是nightmare 的定语?还是nightmare做形容词,可怕的,噩梦似的,修饰worrying~ The news reporter___in a middle school for three years.A has taught B taught1、选什么,为什么.2、for +一段时间怎么用?+现在完成时和一般过去式的区别! 他们属于规则变化翻译成英语 Is meat packing a big industry in your country 英语翻译I'm the life of the partySo contagiousAll the boys wanna catch meBut I'm just playing(One) One two come and see what I can do(Two) Two three everybody's after me(Three) Three four let me tell you what's in storeLet's go everybod 英语翻译每一场婚姻的破裂都是一种伤害,尤其是对孩子. 英语翻译我们坚持每一处空间都有自己的故事 我们为您贴心营造高素质生活如果建筑是凝固的音符 那么空间则是流动的旋律 英语翻译All the information and any part thereof provided on this website are provided AS IS without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied including,without limitation,warranties of merchantability,fitness for a particular purpose or n invite your mail contacts to join your friends list with Windows live Spaces.It's easy!Try it.这句话怎么翻译呀,尤其是前面的invite your mail contacts怎么翻译,这句话好像经常出现在邮件后面 The puestion is so difficult,you can( )it with your friends. this remform b_____ the whole country.so it is very useful根据中文意思填写单词 Mr Lee, who___as a carpenter for over 10 years, is now a very stateman in this country.选has worked 还是worked?为什么? 儿童节的由来是什么? In what country is this monument located? 目22 还未回答 满分1.00 Flag question 题干 –I really appreciate your help with the cooking. --______求答案 什么牌子的望远镜性价比高, 广寒寂寥,怅然有丧,无以继之.的翻译 【翻译】我很累很孤单,但又有谁知道呢? 作为新世纪的青少年你认为自己应树立怎样的科学观 作为一个新世纪的青少年,我们应该为地球母亲做些什么呢 你们想一想我们的地球2亿年后是什么样子的我听老师说:我们的地球2亿年后会被太阳吞没. 紫金山天文台的评价 stand up的意思 up you Stand up, 道奇战斧最高时速绕地球一圈多长时间? 来自德国的望远镜品牌宝视德的望远镜好吗?质量和性价比怎么样?