
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 00:58:34
The president claimed the terrorists should be responsible __________the explosions that happened last month in London.选项:a、onb、 for c、atd、about the suggestion that the president ___ the meeting was accepteda.would attend b.attendc.attends d.ought to attend He has returned from Arerica.改为同义句 He has _ _ _America. 南京条约时期外国资本主义经济侵略的主要方式 在条约中有何表现 新东方和韦博我想把原本没有上完的课退掉,到这边继续上!但是有人建议我去新东方~目前还没有拿出什么好的主意~有点急… 孩子,我为什么要打你文章 IS QUITE CERTAIN THAT HE WILL BE PRESENT AT THE MEETINGCERTAIN 可以换成SURE吗 翻译It isn't quite certain that he will be present at meeting. 孔子过泰山侧 新动态国际英语跟新东方哪个比较好主要是想提高一下口语,最好时间能随着我的安排,时间也不能太长了. 我想重新好好学英语,但不知道在哪学,看有人介绍新动态还不错,有人说新东方好,感 弟子规在现实生活中的实际意义 学英语新东方好还是新动态好 如何翻译:“The agile nerds will tell you that the code is the design.” 华尔街好还是韦博新东方好? 英语翻译对不起来 英语翻译要正确,要正确阿!别忽悠我You are the one in whom all my dreams and hopes and plans are committed. She had committed the crime of trying to leave his sorry ass.怎么翻译~谢谢~~来自幸福来敲门的英文版小说 英语翻译They wind up being guilt-provoking reminders of the fact that we are over-committed,and losing control of our priorities. 用名川大山,劝慰,高深莫测,承诺,纤细5个词语写一篇作文500字左右作文 take time to marvel at the wonders of life 这个句子怎么翻译? 急求一句英文中译,谢谢!Befor God, we are all the same in the dimension of human life. Working at the speed of life求中文翻译! 经常听和阅读弟子规对孩子成长有好处吗?我们做父母亲的怎么读,才能让孩子更好的吸收? 如何让孩子快速背会弟子规老师让背诵弟子规,只是孩子上学以来的第一篇作业,我一定陪她好好完成,我去买了弟子规的CD,坐车里可以听,不知道其它家长还有更好的意见吗? 土地改革后分配给农民的土地归谁所有?RTA.归农民所有B.归乡镇所有C.归集体所有D.归国家所有 人们把土地改革概括为一句话‘农民取得土地,党取得农民’谈谈你对这句话的理解 It isn't quite certain that their team will win the game this evening.可不可以译为:今晚这场比赛他们队肯定赢不了. 诵读弟子规又什么好处? 谁会背<弟子规>?请把<弟子规>全文给我, 怎么快速背弟子规 求一个比较有意义的,可以坚持的兴趣爱好.