
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 11:06:27
Because it rains today,so I am very unhappy.这个句子对吗 because 和 so可以同时出现在一个句子吗 The boys were very unhappy because the teacher 她不高兴因为她的衣服过时了.She is very unhappy because her clothes ___ ___ ___ ___. 冰雪奇缘Anna是一个什么样的女孩英语 ipad2 5.0.1越狱卡在beginning jailbreak,this may take a while...用另一个越狱工具,则为creating backup...,都2~3个小时了!如果行的话, iphone4 5.1.1越狱时一直停在“Beginning Jailbreak,this way take a while”已经恢复出厂了,但还是落在这怎么回事 ipda2越狱到这一步不动了怎么办?他说 Beginning jailbreak,This may take a while... win7版Absinthe2.0越狱时到sending inirial jailbreak data.this may also take a while就停止响应管理员进入也不行 魔法奇缘的英语名字是什么? You're hard working这样说行吗这样讲行得通吗,不行的话,错在哪? 为什么是“you’re working hard today”?可以说是“you worked hard today”吗? You're working hard.对后面两个单词提问 Put it on the table 改为否定句 I can put my hat no 否定句 You're working____hard,and you're letting the boss take advantage of you选项:A.too veryB.mach tooC.too machD.far谢啦··· i don't like to disturb you,because you're quite tired() working hard today.Aof B with C out D on be tired of 意“厌烦” be tired A不也可翻译的通么? it's a fate worse than death翻译一下~ it turns out 还是it turn out两个有什么不同吗? as it turn out to be a small house party,we__so formally求大神帮助as it turn out to be a small house party,we__so formally a need not have dressed up b must not have dress up c did not need to dress up d must not dress up 为什么答案选a不 他父亲长什么样?他是一个中等身材.翻译 读了短文,再联系一下课文,你心目中的毛岸英是个什么形象?你心目中的毛泽东是什么形象? '中等身材'怎么翻译 这是毛主席的相,是什么课文阿? 英语翻译 狗很难照料.翻译一下 dogs are____ _______ ______ ______ ______ ____要快O(∩_∩)O谢谢 《三峡》郦道元阅读中 “自非亭午夜分,不见曦月“一句表现力非常强,你同意这种看法吗?请简述之. Fall is a good time for climbing hills 同义句转换 急用!谁会啊! 急用! 英语句子成分分析:As it turned out,my little publication went on to become Student,a national mag请问:句中As it turned out的成分,及it的用法(指代什么) Climbing hills are/is good for your health.这句用are还是is,或者是别的 Kitty is climbing _____ the hills it's a good time to climb hills 可以等于it's a good time for climbing hills _It's a fine day today._Yes.It's a good time__________a picnic.A.for having B.to have 含有蔬菜名的古诗 “蔬菜” 在文言文、古文中的说法是什么 It turns out that we will have a holiday 句子中 IT 做的是什么 是形式主语么