
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 18:25:59
awful有“好”的意思么我记得有人说英语口语的 how do you do可以这么回答 心情也Awful 什么意思 awful最常用的意思 手机左上角出现emergency mode 黄绿色的屏幕 什么按钮都没反应 LG P350手机 意外没关机就拔下来了电池 再安上电池 开机后手机左上角出现emergency mode 黄绿色的屏幕 什么按钮都没反应 拔下电池 出这句话ribbon not required in direct thermal mode 为什么城管打人没人管 Pat is goingg to__an English family.A.is with B.be with C.am with D.are with No ill be away this weekend with family. 1. I with my friends ___(be) sing songs, 2.I with my family ___(be) sing songs. Internal Drive Manual是什么我有LG的DRIVE安装光盘,光盘中有Internal Drive Manual这是什么文件 PCR仪里的控温模式,Block Mode和Tube Mode有什么区别呀? It was at 6 am that i arrived It was that we felt tired when we arrived.It was that we felt tired when we arrived. A. a so long travel B. such a long travel C. such a long journey D. such a so long journey原因 "it was 1970 that the school was set up in"有没有语法错误RT 为什么抗锈病小麦不能用花药离体技术培养获得 It's a ( ) nice coat ,Tim.括号填什么括号里怎么填?单词? hell,it's about tim是什么意思? -__house is this?-It's Tim's.A.What B.Whoc.WhoseD.Who's选什么?为什么? 翻译 《吕氏春秋 有始览 去尤》的译文最好有原文和译文的对照和字词的注释 They are enjoying _____(they) 小麦有哪些优点 名词前形容词的顺序 function delet(a) { var b,c; b = "dat_delet.afunction delet(a){ var b,c; b = "dat_delet.asp?urlid="; c = b + a; window.location.href=c;}; onclick='delet("& myUrl &")'该句调用函数,如果里边加双引号则数据无法显示,如果用单引号 写出下列句子的同义句.Is that your box? carton怎么读 吕氏春秋全文 规格:一箱6瓶 英文怎么翻译?瓶 bottle要用单数还是复数?6bottle/carton? 英语化学题,写出carton的electron configuration There are different ( ) of pizzas in the pizza house.(填空) 可以说Which day is it today?那为什么要说是What day is it today? 灯泡灭了 我仔细检查了下 钨丝并没有断 我重新按了下开关 灯泡闪了两下又灭了 我问 你怎么了 不开心么 灯泡回答 等会儿 有个蛾子在窗外看我好久了 我说 那不挺好 有人看得上你 灯泡说