
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 14:57:56
I'm afraid that I can't get up. 这是什么句型? I'm afraid that I can't.这句话为什么有两个主语?该I'm afraid that I can't.这句话为什么有两个主语?该怎么翻译? 母系氏族为什么会被父系氏族所代替? 有谁知道设计人生jane by design里面的zoey是谁扮演的 "感恩”二字,牛津字典给的定义是:“乐于把得到的好处的感激呈现出来回馈他人.”感恩要重于感谢,两者的差异在于感恩是视对方失误给予为恩情,因为这种给予对“我”具有深远的影响,一 图纸上 built/designed with 3DMax 还是 built/designed by 3DMax 哪个正确, 有关Thanksgiving(感恩)主题的英语文章要求打印出来满16开纸,不要出现太复杂的词汇,如果是中文文章的话,有关感恩的文章素材也可以.最好在2天内给我答复, iPhone手机后面永远都写勒DESIGNED BY APPLE IN CALIFORNIA ASSEMBRED IN CHINA加利福尼亚设计中国制造吗? 用英语给妈妈写一封感恩的信,外加汉语意思. 不用感谢的英文意思是什么? 我是一个阳光善良乐观的女孩 想取一个带有字母c 和 y的英文名 重赏最好能特别点如果我满意再加悬赏 母系氏族公社向父系氏族公社转变的根本原因是什么? on purpose是什么意思? 谁知道英语中意思相同的短语?例如on purpose和by design越多越好,还有就是比较常见的哦! garbage 和 rubbish 的区别? on purpose的造句 They will spend about three hours hiking to the top pf the mountain .写出同义句. Something you will realize only when you do it,when you make mistakes or when you grow up. Shi is jim's mother.与Her is jim's mother 两个哪个对 je vous manque tellement什么意思? hold back怎么用有from吗要全啊 Comment Je t'aime tellement是什么意思? Mum will give him something reslly Chinese to eat . Mary will give him( something really Chinese )to eat为什么不是something real Chinese,还有为什么really放前面 Let's give them____ A different something to eat B to eat different something C something differentD something to eat different set up和hold的区别是什么啊?谁能解释下?(不是编程的)谢谢!rt比如说“学校要举办旅行”School will ( ) a trip。是用hold还是set up啊好像都行 Mr.Smith will give us an interesting lesson this afternoon,______ _______?反义疑问句是用won't he?还是don't he? how time flies!It‘s been nearly two years ()we came to this schoolA、when B、since C、for D、before选哪个捏 :They spend two hours on their work.保持句意不变 They spend two hours ____their work.答:in finishing They usually spend all their waking hours in the water. 简单的关于英语倒装问题在让步句中 我上课,记了笔记 上面是eg1.Although he is a chlid,he can take care of himself (不是倒装)2.Child as he is ,he can take care of himself (不是倒装)总结:让步句中有情态动词时 not to escape the who;only who hope;to find thae;I