
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 06:26:52
Do you know how to stury better and make your stury more effective 帮忙把为爱奔跑,翻译成英文谢谢了 替某女生取个英文名,名字的含义是坚强独立,平静,冷静的.别发些什么 美丽 优雅的.别恶搞, 句型转换 1.I spend two hours on my homework every day It ____ ____ 2 hours to do my homewoek every 句型转换1.I spend two hours on my homework every dayIt ____ ____ 2 hours to do my homewoek every day2.He joined the club two years agoHe ___ a the kids spend two hours ________chinese every day. A.ON B .IN C.AT D.TO _____does he surf the Internet every day?-----For about two hours. Tt takes her two hours to surs the Internet every day.改为同义句Tt takes her two hours to surs the Internet every day.(改为同义句)She _____two hours____the Internet every day. 英语中,能否说do you have many books?还是只能用any? -- How many books do you have -- I have _ book.That's _ English book.A.a;an B.one-- How many books do you have -- I have _ book.That's _ English book.A.a;an B.one;an 有什么道理么? You wanna know more,more,more about me I´m the girl who´s kicking the coke machine I´m the one that´s honking at you cuz I left late again Hey!Hey!Hey!Could you see I want you by the way I push you away,Ya!Don´t judge me If you want to know more about Kunminng and taste her food,please visit her yourself.中文 If you want to know more about the party,please call me.的同义句Please call me__ __ __ __about the party. 读哈利波特与魔法石有感300字五年级的水平 急不要400字那种 根据字的不同义项组词临:(1)靠近;面对—— (2)到达—— (3)将要;快要—— 哈利波特与魔法石读后感(50字)急! 形容每天起得早用什么成语?小区内的退休老人每天都起得很早,真是(闻鸡起舞)。把成语改正 so bad things may happen__students spend too much time on the Internet.为什么这里填if,如何理解才说得通? Some students spend ___ time on the Internet.They forget to study,eat and sleep.They can't even communicate with people in real life.A.too many.B.many too.C.too much.D.much too. Don not spend much time on the Internet 同义句 英语翻译1、 翻译器怎么选?2、 翻译器携带方便么?3、 翻译器有多大?4、 翻译器怎么的翻译方式?5、 翻译器能翻译多少种语言?6、 翻译器能满足日常用语的对话需要么?7、 翻译器有没有适合 想出国去旅游,什么牌子的翻译器好点? 出国旅游需要一个翻译机,谁介绍一个? 杰克美语的外教口语经济实惠吗?师资呢?老师都是哪儿的?现在也不好找工作,还是先练练口语吧.找工作可能好找些.我全天都有时间的. 杰克美语除了单词课比较出名,外教口语老师教得如何?公司业务需要,必须恶补英语口语了.在杰克美语上过单词课,老师讲得很好.还想在这儿报个口语班, 英语翻译Can you imagine spending nine months with no one except yourself and the occasional dolphin for company?And during that time,only being able to sleep for less than an hour at a time?That is what 16-year-old Mike Perham from England experi 学杰克美语一年的外教口语需要多少银子?老师都是哪儿的?白天有课吗?很想好好学学英语,尤其是口语.本人基础也就四级过了,很久没用了.可以白天上课. 杰克美语有没有全天的那种外教口语课?从最基础的学能听懂吗?老师都是哪儿的?帮朋友问问,水平很低,白天上课就没问题.价格是否实惠? 外教口语,杰克美语是否值得报?价格实惠吗?嗨哟联系方式!一周上几次课?过了六级从哪儿开始学? which do you enjoy _your spare time,shopping or sleeping?A.to spend A.spending C.sp...which do you enjoy _your spare time,shopping or sleeping?A.to spend A.spending C.spend D.being spend 为什么不能选B呢? Which do you enjoy _______ your spare time,watching TV at home or playing basketball on the playground?A.spending           B.spendC.to spend            D.being spent Which do you enjoy __your spare time,reading or playing?应该填不定式还是动名词阿? Which do you enjoy___your spare time,playing cards at home.说+理由Which do you enjoy___your spare time,playing cards at home.or taking a walk in the parkA.spendingB.to spendC.having spentD.to have spent