
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 23:38:02
The most romantic words in the world are not "I love you",but the words of being together.是什么意 The works will finish the new bridge in four month. 对"in four month"划线提问 急! 谢了!10:30之前 拜托了! The most romantic words than "I love you",but "together." If this outcome i麻烦高人翻译下完整的The most romantic words than "I love you",but "together." If this outcome is that separation,that I still believe that our feelings C语言程序设计用英语怎么说 what is the most romantic love in your mind用于英语口语回答 romantic love is the most condition for marriagesThis is the topic of English bebating .Please give me some example for the view!Thank you very much!sorry,I am wrong ,this is English debating topic The workers will finish the repair of Waibaidu bridge ____MArch,2009请问是填on还是in? 图中H是什么化学仪器?说出它的名称,不看题 图中物体是化学药品取用的仪器,名字是什么? 明喻,暗喻,引喻.解释这几个词有什么不同? It's a good habit to ___ all your things in correct place?A put away B put up C put off dos编程 我想用批处理挑选N多文件中含有pass的文件,请问如何处理,在线等+++++++++++++++++ It is not a good habit to point your fingers to the place_____you read.A at which B at where C.which D where为什么不选A,选D?如果where 不等于at which,那么应是哪个介词加which? three months是单数还是复数 如图是如何防倒吸的? 有这个的、这叫什么美.(根据意思选词填空)精美  完美  丰美  优美  秀美  壮美  华美  俊美雄壮的美丽叫(  )   完备美好叫(  )清秀美丽叫(  ) 首字母.A hard-working student is s--- to succeed. Love is accumulated.not over draw We spent three years building the highrise=It __ __three years to build the highrise This is the school in which I spent three years.This is the school where I spent three years.相同 The workers plan to spend three years building the bridge.(用it作形式主语)It---- ----the workers three years--- ----the bridge. 莫扎特的名言要关于勤奋的,如果实在没有,别人的也行 有谁知道莫扎特的名言! 莫扎特他有名言么,有多少?我觉着问的有些…… 有谁知道莫扎特的名言及故事?英文的! 仿照下面的句子,以“有智慧的书”为主体,造一个句子.要求句式和修辞手法与例句一致,字数不要完全相同例句:唯有从学问中锻炼出来的智慧,才不是瞬息幻灭的肥皂泡;他永远像珍珠泉的 H905040 吸盘式电磁铁是什么材料的 直流吸盘式电磁铁淘宝上描述它的规格为型 号 D d H M P L 功率 吸引力 自重 说明 mm mm mm ------ mm mm W N g XDA-10 Φ10 Φ4 10 M3 5 200 2 10 15 XDA-20 Φ20 Φ8 15 M3 6 200 3 25 15 XDA-25 Φ25 Φ10 20 M4 6 200 4 50 50 XDA-30 试求弹簧振子的机械能,已知弹簧劲度系数为1.3N/CM,振幅为2.4 怎样固定吸盘电磁铁 机械振动中,机械能越大是否等价于振幅越大? 东莞哪个电磁铁厂家最好?哪个家做的吸盘电磁铁是质量最优质的?