
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 19:57:39
山东高职高专英语应用能力证书算几级?算是国家三级吗? 关于高中生教育的文章 初中生安全教育作文500 有一道选择题Is this woman your mother?-no,( )is答案写的是she is,可是问题里边有this的时候不是用it吗?为什么这里边也有this,却用she呢?额,打错一个词,是yes,(.)is 连词成句,teacher.tests.Our.math .a lot of .gives. It is years since I enjoy myself so much这句什么意思啊 Peter was eight years old. His school was near his house. Every day he went to school and home on foot, and he was always back on time. But last Friday he was back home late from school. "Why are you late today?"his mother asked him. 在英语中,一个“团体”做主语,谓语用单数还是复数?the police_ expecting the singers to arrive soon.(a)is (b)are All of the women teachers,Miss Yang is the most popular改错RT Miss Brown is the second ____of the 10 women clerks in her office(young) 求答速来5分钟啊 It is very important to you,为什使用to?可以换成for吗 To be polite is very important.(同义句转换) here,store,is,video,a.(连词成句) ISSN是什么意思?! CN刊号和ISSN刊号是什么意思? 阅读(首字母填空) Dinah was a very lazy girl.Her mother always asked her to learn to read,b___she never did.It was disappointing.Her mother was worried.One morning,Dinah jusy woke up and was looking through the w___.She saw her couain skati 英语翻译如果不是的话 请说下 我需要你的安慰 用英文怎么讲. logo Do I need to provide sample of logo font or is it standard? 刚收到总公司的邮件里边一个单词EOL不知道什么意思请知道的告诉我 "连词成句hair longer your mine is than." Her hair is t___longer than mine.填什么? 旅游英语A级相当于大学英语几级啊 keep your voice down 我想说说话小点声 这句英语对不 Mary has long hair,but my hair is even ( ) A.less B.longer C.shorter 选择哪一个? with so much homework___,Tom has to stay at home.为什么用to do 不用to be done? 关于一句很简单的英语问句请告诉我下面这两句话对吗?如果错请指出错在什么地方what are they jobs?Are their engineers or hairdressers? 简单的说什么叫祈使句? [[3个初一英语选择]]求理由的Is __ here?No ,Daniel is ill in hospitalA anybodyB everybodyC nobodyD somebodyWhat is his head ___A ballA likesB likeC likingD look like 初一英语 41题 选择的理由 with 前后连接的两个名词,前面一单数后面一复数,请问be动词 是三单还是复数? Who's talking in the next room?Nobody.Jim's radio选择题Who's talking in the next room? Nobody.Jim's radio( ).A is saying B is on C on saying D on 求纪晓岚诗词歌赋和名句 纪晓岚谜语:黑不是,白不是,红黄更不是,和狐狸猫狗仿佛,既非家畜,又非野兽;诗也有,词也有,论语上也,对东西南北模糊,虽是短品,却是妙文.谁知道答案是什么