
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 09:17:00
用“……虽然……还是……“造句 英语翻译As on a traditionour vision quest,people on this new-age quest spend one to four days alone in the wilderness.However,a difference is that they might choose to sleep in a tent and to bring drinking water.Some Native Americans are angry th 自动翻译?有没有软件可以使鼠标点击英语时自动翻译成汉语的? there is a knife and fork missingmissing是形容词,为什么可以跟在名词后面?missing在句子中做什么成分?谢谢!有主谓宾吗? thomas edison is a preson of great _____ (achieve) how many items__Edison___? over 1,000 A have,invented B is,inventing C was,invent D has,invented2.when lighting___,we see electricityA will flash B flash C flashes D flashed3.do you know about benjamin franklin?yes,i have a book___him.A to B in C of 初三英语填空题Thomas Edison ___over 1,000 ___(inventor)怎么填 对余秋雨散文的看法.我读过余的大部分文章,有一些感悟,也有些疑惑.希望大家给点自己的感悟, 余秋雨散文读书笔记 余秋雨散文读书笔记!急死.余秋雨和周国平的都行,要读书笔记,150字左右.要10则,急用, 虽然.造句用(虽然、但、从不、而只是)造句 虽然造句 虽然但是造句 用虽然却造句 地球与橄榄枝图案是什么样的? 商务中equity是意思! equity准确意思?Chinese equities plunged on Monday in what analysts described was panic selling as investors dumped shares in the domestic A-share market.请问这句话里equities具体意思是什么?整句话的翻译呢? equity private capital是什么意思 capital preservation 这两个偏旁部首怎么拼音或五笔佥刂…拼音怎么拼、或五笔怎么打、这是两个字、不是剑字 用“这词语”造句,(突发奇想.) 用”突发奇想“造句. 求画一画联合国维和部队臂章上有地球与橄榄枝的图案 equity position是什么意思 如……般……(造句)例:对手的矛如雨点般向他刺来.千万别像2楼那样!说你呢,句子前面不能有逗号! equity rollover是什么意思 用如什么般造句 造句:如.般. 用如.般.造句 用如什么般什么造句 地球与橄榄枝的图案的理解