
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/18 15:23:26
【数学智力题】5题!谁会!☆智力题1、【有一个自然数,它的最大的两个因数之和是123.求这个自然数】☆智力题2、【3个质数的和是18,这三个质数的积是多少?】☆智力题3、【一些四位数,百位 等腰梯形的周长是24厘米,它的上底长2厘米,下底长8厘米,这个等腰梯形的腰是多少厘米? 填空和选择 四个填空,一个选择 iq测试题 不要那种无厘头,有点智慧的问题... 将全体正整数排列成一个三角数阵.12 3 4 5 67 8 9 10…………………………根据以上排列规律,数列中第n(n≥3)行中从左到右第三个数是_____能不能再详细一点 3道英语填空选词填空 more serious from hurrying by1.Twenty minutes later,she is with Ann,because Ann cannot stop her baby ___ crying.2.One by one,she answers their questions and helps them take their medicines,while the doctor takes care of _ 已知{an}为等差数列,且a3=-6,a6=0(1)求0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000已知{an}为等差数列,且a3=-6,a6=0(1)求{ |an| }的前n项和;(2)若等差数列{bn}满足b1=-8,b2=a1+a2+a3,求{bn}|前n项和公式. an是等差数列,a3=6,a6=0 英语三个填空、马上就要 了Please don't ___ ___ ___ (离开)the room during the meetingOur teachers are having a meeting(改为同义句)Our teachers ___ ___ a meetingI want to tell you about my hobbyI ___ ___ to tell you about my hobby 英语填空,A.Subject B.Predicate C.Predicative D.Direct object E.IndirectF.Object complement G.Attribuive H.Adverbial( )1.The story made me VERY SAD.( )2.The coffee smells GOOD.( )3.LUCKLIY,he got the first prize.( )4.Andy always buys HIS FRIENGS n 智力问答题小红和小明的生日都是三月,而且都是星期四,他们生日的日期和是36,小明的生日在前,请问小红的生日是多少号? 非常经典的一道题.很开发智力哦!有一个人,他住在公寓,他家住7楼,他经常坐电梯回家但是当电梯里没人时,只做到六楼,自己走一层回家.当电梯里有人时,他直接做到七楼.当雨天时,他直接做到 问大家个智能ABC的问题.很简单RT 用智能ABC输入KK YY FF 分别得到什么词组?我家智能ABC找不到了,急! 有什么经典的智力问答题 an是等差数列,a3+a5=24,a2=3.则a6= 【英语】三道英语选择填空!1.There are more than eight ___students in our school.A.thousands of B.thousandsC.thousand D.thousand of2.My dream home is near ___sea and far from ___Washington.A.a;the B.the;theC./;/ D.the;/3.Ottawa is the capit 在等差数列{an}中,若a2+a3=2,a4+a5=6,则a5+a6= 这题咋做,帮个忙 c++题 帮个忙啊! 第三题,帮个忙, 12题请帮个忙 我英语,数学不好该读什么职校我是梅州的~读职校~该读什么行业啊 学IT应该先会什么?本人现在在技校!英语差! These sentences show that the subject of a senten ce should be properly related to the nonfinite verbs before it. 求你们大家帮个忙~快点回答我哈帮我把 vip 这个单词弄好看一点 会英语的帮个忙好吗.Prepare for Your Business NegotiationsOnce the international business relationship is set up,it is widely agreed that systematic planning and preparation are important for successful business negotiations.As a general rule 某项目实际投资380万元,比计划投资节省了20万元,节省了百分之几? 英语翻译wowowowowow!holy moly!maker you have some insanely technical moves!i hope you dont mind but im gonna have to decipher and add some of those to my bag o tricks.this is just too cool not to learn.more comments when the cup starts but this w 已知三角形ABC中,三内角A,B,C的角度.依次成等差数列,三边长a,b,c依次成等比数列,判断三角形ABC的形状 如何把这句话翻译成英语:“今天我们努力学英语是为了将来全世界努力学汉语" 我酷英文怎么翻译?我型我酷英文怎么翻译?