
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/18 21:58:39
战国时代的______发愤苦读,困倦时用锥子刺自己的大腿来提神.汉代的______勤奋好学,为防止瞌睡,用绳子系住头发吊在梁上,一打盹便会惊醒,继续苦读.这便是著名的“__________”的典故.类似的故 浪潮越来越近,犹如千万匹白色战马齐头并进,浩浩荡荡地飞奔而来;那声音如同山崩地裂,好像大地都被震得颤动起来.这句话是从( )和( )来描述钱塘江大潮的. be-placed-on-probation是什么意思 四年级语文阅读差怎么办 Only Love Can 歌词 be placed second 英语翻译be placed second to用这个短语造一个句子并翻译, blade of什么意思 他的父母对他要求很高 (用 be strict with 这个词组. 对什么事严格是be strict in还是be strict on(我再也受不了啦!)kuai 英语口语和听力较差,可以考BEC中级吗?我四级550.但是听力挺差的,可以考BEC中级吗,怎么复习呢?两个月够不够 forgiveness is a quality Belle is in no short supply of in no short supply of 是短语这是一句话,而且不好意思,Belle 是名字,我忘说了,你们再看看 2km short of the a blade of 为什么说线粒体也能合成有机物.他不是分解有机物吗? 翻译love is what make the daily routine bearable Show us your new bike(改为同义句)给了几个空:-----your new bike-----us. “世界语”是波兰医生柴门霍夫创造的,这能说明语言是个人现象吗?为什么?简答题,不要复制一大堆的东西来噢!讨厌!这只是作业而已. 象牙价格今天多少一克,2014年整根象牙价格 不良的英文怎么写 one day,if we casual meet,i can pretend not recognize 帮帮手啊 英语选择 急!The picture on this wall is similar to _ on that wall , and I can't tell them apartThe picture on this wall is similar to ___ on that wall , and I can't tell them apart very easily.A.which B.what C.as D.the one求答案和理 a nightclub is one of the few places which (stay open )late in London.为什么stay opena,stay openb,keep openingc,remain openedd,wiht frequency 新老托福分数问题老托福525相当于新T多少分?如何换算? call是一个什么词 翻译一下Dashing through the snow in high heels jingle bells的一个版本,第一句是dashing through the snow 英语高手来!一般疑问句(见补充)请用:i ,student, a,be改为一般疑问句 英语问题完成下列附加疑问句Everyone is ready for the exam,________?Neither your sister nor you are fond of sports,_________?He didn't find his pen anywhere ,________? 女人如水,那么泪如伤? 什么意思 女人挂水是什么病 把下列句子变过去式 I smell the noodles with my nose.We lesten to the music with our ear.I touch the rabbit with my hand.I read a newpater with my eyes.I wash the socks with myhands.