
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 15:55:28
初中一年级的英语课中语法讲解是如何安排的? 《昆虫记》阅读笔记十篇!一篇100字就可以了!急用!必须是《昆虫记》的啊!如果是其他书的阅读笔记,一概不给悬赏分!必须要是《昆虫记》的阅读笔记啊! 关于 假如给我三天光明 读书报告(其他的书也行)关于 假如给我三天光明 读书报告600字左右其他的书也行 假如给我三天光明的书在哪买假如给我三天光明的书在汕头哪个书店有买啊? Mrs Green was— A.very busy B.very old C.very young D.very clever Mrs.White found her husband surrounded by letters and papers an d _____ very worried.这里为什么用looking,应该是怀特被看起来啊,要用looked才对啊 Mrs Green is w______about her daughter because she eats like a bird and is very thin. Mrs White found her husband ------ by letters and papers and ------ very worried.A.surrounding;looked B.surrounded;looked C.surrounding;looking D.surrounded;looking为什么选B 推荐PPT制作书籍我本身做售前工作,需要经常给客户讲解我司产品.但是我本身做PPT不行,看很多人做PPT做的很精美,很吸引人眼球.请大家推荐一本比较好的PPT制作书籍,我自己去当当买一本,回去 cars是什么意思 ppt书籍推荐最好直接案例制作教程书籍,ppt版本2007希望推荐的书籍里面ppt案例很美.推荐好.另外附加50分先多谢热心网友我要的是案例直接的教材,技术性指导的书籍。最好案例。书籍,不要 cars什么意思 cars的中文是什么意思?I Love Cars D盘中的CARS是什么意思 (1)巧过金沙江(2)飞夺泸定桥(3)四渡赤水河(4)强渡大渡河(5)突破腊子口,是红军在长征中的几次最著名的战斗.请按时间先后顺序把它们排列起来 十道英语题用括号内动词的适当形式填空.1.My brother always plays (play) basketball on Wednesday afternoon. 2. Sandy’s father can speak (speak ) English and Japanese. 3. Look! David is running (run ) on the playground. 4. I wou 请问南极洲属于东半球还是西半球? ( ) 1.Everyone in our class_____.A.enjoys to swim B.enjoy to swim C.enjoys swimming D.enjoy swimming( ) 2.Both you and I ___ wrong.A.was B.am C.were D.is ( ) 3.They ____ many happy hours ____ along the beach during that holiday.A.spend,walking B.spen 南极洲是不是属于西半球的区域?南极洲算不算在西半球的? 英语10道题直接引语变为间接引语.1.Mother said to me, "Don't go alone at night.2."The sun rises in the east,''said the teacher.3.He asked me,"where do you live?"4.He said "come this way, piease!"5.she said "you are my best friend."6."Do 1、Although the opinions were ( ),she didn’t accept.A.unreasonable B.rational C.unbelievable D.funny 2、Most materials ( )faster when exposed to the pollutants present in the air.A.dispose B.degrade C.deteriorate D.detect 3、Shame is ( ) neither Mrs peter always carries an umbrella 是什么时态为什么 designs collectng mr green always tallks in his sleep .one moreing after mr and mrs green get up的意思 constructions cars somke from cars 长征遇到的事顺序和目的(作用),比如什么巧渡金沙江.抢渡大渡河.四渡赤水.顺序和作用忘了.或者说他们的意义.我记得有一个是跳出敌人包围圈 求五个大洲(除南极洲、大洋洲)跨了的半球. 七大洲中跨东西南北四个半球的大洲是?A亚洲 B南美洲 C南极洲 D印度洋 区分be worried about和be worrying about The_____ mother is______ about her son' health.A:worrying ,worried对不对