
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 07:20:34
请以“My School Life”为题写一篇短文,要求语句通顺,60词左右.(急)interesting,begin class,every day,subject,sctivities,playground,after school,playbesketball,football,and so on,like,school life. bring her bag into the supermarket是什么意思 楚人贫居,读《淮南子》············ 翻译,遂于树下仰取叶—螳螂执叶伺蝉,以摘之 *叶入市 遂于树下仰取叶——螳螂执叶伺蝉,以摘之的意思 What did she speak at the meeting?Nothing. shaanxi province is a place with many cultural relics.They are well looked after.用定语从句链接两个句子.shaanxi province is a place whose/where cultural relics are well looked after.这样写有什么道理? 高一定语从句修改.Shaanxi Province is a place with many culture relics.They are well looked after.The soldiers moved the boxes to a mine.They wanted to hide them. old people are looked after well in our country 改写同义句old people -----------------------in our country 明朝有哪些名人(文人)有历史影响的事迹和文字 He seldom goes to the cinema,____________ .A.so does his sister.B.nor does his sister Lily with his parents often()to the cinema.A:goes B:go选择词 He goes there _with_his_sister_.(对划线部分提问) ____ ___ he____ there___? 谁能帮我把这句话翻译成英文?就是——“怎么暗示你都不懂” 暗示;表明…英语什么翻译 谁能帮我把这句话翻译成英文?“怎么暗示你都不懂” 广东话 好栗 翻译成 普通话 自由女神为什么举着火炬 这句广东话是什么意思 请翻译成普通话你老母生咗你咁嘎款 唔洗忧柴忧米紧系冇皇管 主要是“冇皇管”是什么意思 重点解释下 鄱阳湖之战算不算古代历史故事?他要的是古代历史故事,如果不是能不能帮我推荐几个,最好是明朝的.了 I ( ) my classmates while they often fight.A.got on well with B.gets on with C.get on well with 明朝历史故事,越多越好 how to get along with classmates 明朝-1949年的历史故事*10*300字以上..明朝-1949年的历史故事 小弟给各位拜年了.虎年好运~ 托物言志的新颖励志作文素材·拜托了各位 It's too strange that they should have left without saying goodbye to us.这句是强调句吗 还是that为主语从句这里should是什么意思? 把weekends,sister,on,his,the,to,often,movies,goes组成一句话 weekend,sister,on,his,the,to,often,movies,goes 重新排列 “摇摆的花儿好像在舞蹈”是个比喻句还是拟人句? “一个个石榴就像一个个害羞的小姑娘,躲在树枝间.”是拟人句吗?还是既是比喻句又是拟人句? "你应该尝试着去暗示她借东西要还,如果她还是不还"这句话用英语怎么说 岑参《白雪歌颂武判官归京》那句诗表达了作者对友人依依惜别的感情 He _____ without saying good-bye to them,for he always has good manners.A.He ___ without saying good-bye to them,for he always has good manners.A.mustn’t have left B.may not have left C.shouldn’t have left D.can’t have left 为什么选