
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/16 23:25:41
我们的家园我还是孩子```英文翻译 `` 诚信即什么,诚实就是什么,待人什么,守信就是什么,说到什么 我要诚实待人的名言警句!快点@@我很着急的!19分钟之内,否则不算数! I often go to the school l_____ and borrow some books after ciass. bec中级准备多久考过 other,another,the other,others,the others有什么区别? 怎样练口语? 口语怎么练 打算从现在开始准备考明年春天的BEC,现在正在犹豫考中级还是高级,我学的不是英语专业,四六级已过,专四差两分没过...已经考过的人可以给点建议么,包括复习的建议什么的,不知道是先考中 我想明年上半年考BEC中级,请问应该怎样准备?我的四级595+分,六级510+分,请问这种水平应该怎样准备?我的口语不是很好……不过我想练多了应该没问题吧?四级没有报口语,准备今年下半年去考 沪江开心词场手机应用用不了,总说没有单元数据.怎么回事? 怎么样练口语 怎样练口语? 如何练口语 怎样 练口语? wear out (vt)同义词?(vi) 怎么练口语我六级刚过,考了451,还用刷分吗,是不是改练练口语更有用? C____ the spelling of the words before you hand in your paper. Before you hand you in your test paper,you'd better (c ) it carefully. 我英语已过六级,分数不是很高,我该考BEC中级还是高级? 如何锻炼口语 怎样锻炼口语 怎样锻炼你的口语 6.The window is made of glass.(根据划线部分提问)glass.划线 The window is make of glas,Nowadays most the()are not made of()(glass) We all know --------glass is made of ---------glass.A a,/ B.the ,a C./,a D a,the 如图,圆x^2+y^2=8内有一点P(-1,2),AB为过点P且倾斜角为α的弦设过P点的弦的中点为M,求点M的坐标所满足的关系式 如图,圆x2+y2=8内有一点Po且倾斜角为α的弦如图,圆x2+y2=8内有一点Po(1,2),AB为过点Po且倾斜角为α的弦(2)当弦AB被点Po平分时,写出直线AB的方程 牛郎织女的故事应用哪个词语形容 改主动变被动:The little boy broken the window glass. she insisted not only had he been to the school but also had broken the glass of the window.这里but also后可以加he吗?这是省略了还是什么?为什么可以这样? the window of this room ___ glassA made inB made intoC made ofD made from