
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 18:53:19
高一基本初等函数已知x=(8-4根号3)分之1,求[根号(1+根号x)-根号(1-根号x)]分之[根号(1+根号x)+根号(1-根号x)]的值 1.当a>0时,将√a(√a)(√a)化为只含一个根号的式子为______2.已知√(2-x)有意义,化简√(x^2-4x+4)-|3-x| 被减数、减数与差的平均数是60,减数是差的3倍,减数是 被减数,减数与差的平均数是60,减数是差的1/3,差是多少?减数是多少? jack,together with his classmates often --(visit)the museum wq fkcq pvge dmj q fcb fkcq rvuy bnyt q fhw r i wgtd wdt r eedc 谁可以帮我翻译下··用五笔~ 密保卡坐标对应的数字我设置了二代密保,现在想改密码,可我输入了坐标数字上面竟然显示是错的! 基本初等函数题, 密保卡坐标的对应数字怎么填G4,B8,H8 高一的基本初等函数题(1)试着举几个满足"对定义域内任意实数a,b,都有f(a•b)=f(a)+f(b)"的函数例子,并说出这些函数具有的公共性质.(2)试着举几个满足"对定义域内任意实数a,b,都有f(a+b)=f(a) 高一基本初等函数题!详细过程! 飞机是不是飞得越高速度越快?为什么? 飞的最快的飞机,速度多少? wq tg udm b We got over 1000 letters from our readers about their New Year's resolutions.(改为同义句)We get _____ _____ 1000 letters from our readers about their New Year's resolutions. we got over 1000 letters,faxes and e-mail from our readers about their New Year's resolutions.句中e-mail 为什么不用复数形式?We got over 1000 letters,faxes and e-mail from our readers about their New Year's resolutions.句中e-mail 为什 discovered的意思discovered the truth 2道简单的英语单选1.Do what you are told to.Don't argue____himA.with B.against为什么不选B呢2.-I'm terribly sorry I broke your glasses-Oh,really?_____A.It's OK with me B.It doesn't matterC.Don't be sorry D.I don't care为什么不选D呢 1、The students in my class never need to be made ____.They all work hard.A to learn B learning C to have learned D learn2、The first room I had of my own was a small one,only 3_____4 meters square.A by B with C in D of be discovered 求跑道周长的计算方法:一共有三条跑道.最里面的一条是126米.想知道外面两条的长度 y=3x^1/3-3/4x^4/3求其凹凸区间及拐点 用加 减 乘 除和括号把 1 5 3 9四个数组成得数为24要3种方法,急用 disappeared 和discovered 现有四个数,分别是5,5,5,1任意用加,减,乘,除及括号得数是24,每个数只能用一次 抛物线y=ax²+bx+c(a≠0)的焦点坐标 已知抛物线y=ax²+bx+c,求焦点坐标,用a,b,c表示,还要初中生能看懂的大致过程是圆锥曲线的焦点。网上说什么2py=x²,焦点是(0,p/2)。可是这种y=ax²+bx+c形式的抛物线怎么求焦点啊? 抛物线f(x)=ax^2+bx+c的焦点坐标是什么 Ⅰ.根据情景,完成下列对话.A:Hi,Bob!__1__ is the man with you?B:Oh,this is my __2__.He is my father’s younger brother.He __3__ a famous doctor in America.A:Has he just arrived here?B:__4__.His plane arrived here one hour ago.He asked me to 已知直角三角形的三边分别为a,a+b,a+2b,其中a大于0,b大于0,则a与b的比为,十万火急! 已知直角三角形的三边长分别为a,a+b,a+2b,其中b>0,则a与b的长为__ 被减数,减数差之和是900,减数比差小50,求减数