
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 07:24:50
急 求高手做完形填空We just don't treat each other 1. as thatlike thatthe way we used to. I suppose we don't have the time, 2. orbuthowever our lives are too difficult or something. Maybe the city 3. I liveI live inwhere I live in is too big. 初三完形填空题There are two kinds of music in the world-one is written down and the other is not.many people earn their living ____music.they write songs for pop stars and music for films and TV plays.they usually write exact institutions on _ 问一下怎么才能把英语的阅读理解和完形做好(具体的练习方法) 暑假应当怎么学英语,我是新初三. 暑假学英语,广州哪里去? 学英语有什么好方法(关于做听力、完形填空、阅读理解之类的题)今年6月份就要中考了.在英语方面,初一的时候感觉还没什么,但到了初三后,就感觉像完形填空、阅读理解之类的题有些困 推荐一些简单的英文歌曲,适合学英语的.要好听一点的,最好是安静一点的.本人英语不太好~不要太慢的、想my love的速度差不多. 我从三年级起就没学过英语,我现在初二,我这个暑假学英语,我该怎么学 七年级英语上典中点Unit11标准测试卷单项选择,完形填空阅读理解答案.感谢!别说要再买一本什么的.也别说什么自己努力.答得好再加50分 再次谢谢了! 人教版七年级英语完形填空和阅读理解谁能给我一些题啊 阅读理解与完形填空练习题 英语NBA is the most famous basketball game in the world.There ① a Chinese players in this game.His name is Yao Ming.He is ② player in this game.In his spare time,Yao ③ cars.On last Christmas, 关于英语的完形填空和阅读理解题考英语的时候有一毛病,基础可以一点不错,但是完形和阅读我就惨了啊!各位提提做这些阅读题的方法吧! 完形填空练习书浙教版英语九年级完形填空的练习书有什么比较好的可以推荐的?英语基础还是不错的,但是完形方面不是很好。还有就是选词填空的练习书。推荐好的话我会再给分的;另 请推荐一本专门练完形填空和首字母的初中练习书和英语字帖.如果没有此类专门书籍,英语阅读练习类书籍也可.英语字帖不要练连笔的,最好说下出版社,毕竟重名的是有的. 高中英语阅读理解和完形填空练习书哪个好 哪种高中完形填空的练习书是15个空的?英语完形填空 英语题目(完形填空2道)1.I know it takes a (l ) more time.2.You can start your journey when you (w )to,and you don't (n ) to get to the station. ——速求“Happy Fourthe of July!"Garrett loves to hear theae words.The Fourthe of July s his favourite h____.It celebrates when America won freedom from from England.It h____ on the fourthe day of July.Every year,Garrett's family goea to the big 英语完形填空一道~He decided to ( ) a holiday in an excellent hotel in a big town.A.spend B.have I'm Tina.It's my birthday today.A_______of my friends come to my party.It's a very e_______party.(总归是填好的) (首字母已给)Thomas Edison was one of the greatest American i___. 帮我解决2个问题:1个是完形填空,1个是根据首字母提示完成短文,完形填空:Tom is an ___ boy.He’s twelve ____He’s two years ____ than his brother,Jim.Tom is 150 cmand Jim is160 cm.Jim is 50 kilos and Tom is 60 kilos.Tom 小学英语完形填空(首字母完形填空)Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare's most famous p_____. 2.The biggest distiction b_____ the two versions is that the new one is written by the public. 3.The specific plot is provided by 初中英语完形填空 1篇The gir got up on the horse.It was a brown__1__ white horse.It was big horse.She__2__on the horse's back.She was taller than her father.She looked__3__ at her father."Daddy,you are shorter than __4__' she said.Her daddy s 初中英语一道完形填空. 一道初中英语的完型填空On the first day of school, the new teacher had a look at the list. The students’ names were written on it. 1 pleased the teacher was! Guess what she found?After each 2 name was a number, such as 138, 140, 154 a 初中英语完形填空Two men were ( 1 ) in a very wild and lonely part of America.( 2 )days they had not even seen a huose,only a few huts made( 3) wood.Then one day they met an old Indian.They found that he knew their language.One of 完形填空我是一名初中生,英语就觉得背单词和完形填空好难,特别是里面有很多生单词,请问应该怎样克服这道障碍呢? 有的时候遇到不会做的总会觉得很烦怎么保持平静的心态去做 另外希望把初二初三的重点词组稍微罗列下 one day,Mr.smith 1 out for a walk in the street.he 2 about a maths problem.he 3 to work it out.just then he 4 a blackboard in front of him.he 5 to write the problem with a chalk on it.then the blackboard 6 a little.Mr.smith moved with it.but the blac 英语初中阅读理解、完形填空各5则求英语初中七年级上学期starter水平阅读理解、完形填空各5则,要适当有一些难度.如果答案很好将适当加分,注意迅速.另外,其实不是starter的也行,超教材 有没有初中的阅读理解和完形填空啊?