
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 01:21:22
勤奋的素材,要短,要快不要名言,要实例 如何套话,套话高手教教我我是个租课,我可以肯定房东进过我的房间拿走了我的工资.我要去找房东,我该怎么聪明的套出她的话. 高中荒废了一年,从高二才开始努力还有希望末,希望有多大阿?高一的时候耍的太疯了 现在都高二过了一半了 努力了一学期都不怎么有起效 现在努力还有希望考好的大学没阿 我们下一届课改 一、正方:勤奋比聪明更重要 反方: 聪明比勤奋更重要 我需要这些辩论资料,求各位回答,感激! fabric啥意思 -Could I call you by your first name?-Yes,you ____ .A.will B.could C.may D.might这题中为什么用may,而不用could? 英语题:-Could I call you by the first name? -Yes,you_____. A.might B.will C.could D.may正确答案为D但为什么不能选C呢? MEASUREMENTS OF ANGULAR DEVIATION ON KNITTED FABRIC AS RECEIVED Could I call you by your first name?Yes,you____.A.will B.could C.can D.might mattress是什么意思? 【英语】come on!we are late_____school横线里应该填什么?为什么? 在__Could i call you by you first name?___Yes,you____.A.will B.may C.must D.might这道题目选哪个据网友说,could开头的句子只能用could回答. 我要外语阅读,完型, 用适当介词填空 Come on,we are late___school Gina likes the skirs_____red and purple 英语初二完型 天才在于积累,聪明在于勤奋解析 l smoke like fish翻译为什么是嗜烟如命而不是我吸烟像鱼 聪明在于勤奋,天才在于积累的解释请说明是谁的名言,解释要具体. Warp Knitted Fusible Interlining是什么意思? 英语翻译to smoke?一句话该咋说? T/C fabric 是哪种布料?如题,T/C fabric正确的中文是什么? 例如How.的英语问句 how造问句身体 交通 年龄 价格 数量 身高 体重 how开头的问句,后的动词要加s吗例:How does the food in the bowl smell(smells)?还能再取几个例子吗? how mangy 开头的问句怎么回答? 原文:In Britain,cars,buses and bikes must keep to the left side of the street.If a person wants to cross a street,he must be very careful.Before he crosses a street,he has to stop and look to the right first and then the left.While in China,we lo 英语初二任务型阅读5个小题A ship had an accident on the sea.All the other people died.A man 6 was very lucky to be alive.He was the only survivor and was washed up on a small island.There was nobody on the island.He was alone and lonely.Th 英语任务型阅读,仅此一篇,要多少给多少 聪明在于勤奋,下一句 聪明在于勤奋的下一句急 聪明在于勤奋的下句:俭可养廉的上句 含how的疑问词请写出3个.谢拉