
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 06:55:09
23.Look at the muddy road here.It ( )( ) last night.(本题分数:1 分.)A、 could have rained B、must have rained C、 would have rained D、 should have rained I don't really work here.I ( ) until the new secretary arrivers.a.just help outb.have just helped outc.am just helping outd.will just help outwhy? it was hard work.but they___(real) enjoyed it. Would you mind__(调高收音机音量)?I want to hear the song clearly. 谁有英语四级所有的词汇啊? 谢谢好心人给我发下. 我的邮箱zp12302006@126.com 拜托zp12302006@126.com admitted that in trying to break into the shop during the night,he had got stuck in the chimney.翻译这句话,that后的in是什么用法 The theory he has stuck to proves to us that earthquakes can be forecast.的翻译 What made him glad was that the theory he had stuck to______ wrong.A.turned out B.turning outWhat made him glad was that the theory he had stuck to______ wrong.A.turned out B.turning out C.was turned out D.to be turned out 翻译:One day he found an old truck that was stuck in the soft, sandy soil of the melon fied. It was full of melons that someone had tried to steal before their truck got stuck. 英语翻译接下来一句:It is the research and artificial simulation of human thought and evevtually be able to make the human like to think the same machine.怎么翻译和解释语法呢? 怎样支配自己的压岁钱具体就说怎样花,又怎样的好处,作文也可以,不要忘了重点!非诚勿扰~大哥大姐们,要写具体500字!作文也可以! the number of beats = the difference between the two frequencies 求翻译 相里做姓氏时的读音谁能帮我 Tom is in Miss ()(Green)class I see you as my life I see you as my life 的中文意思是什么 英语Keep on your 一夫当关,万夫莫开是什么关? in ten years和ten years from now 有什么区别 图腾的意思 You are my life a passing song 翻译中文是什么 The passing traveller who comes and goes in life had formed the beautiful scenery line , whom have really enjoy 是什么意思啊有那位好心人帮帮忙了 谢谢 I really enjoy ( ) today. I really enjoy I really enjoy school是什么意思 you're just one 长一点的英语网名,就像I'm Just Passing Through这种的至少三个哦! just passing through 歌词 like the c_____,the Internet was a____ the greatest inventions of the twentieth century .The Internet has many advantages .If you are c_____ to it,you'll be p_____ of the World wide web.You can access millions of websites and h____ If you need inform I ___enjoy this winter holidays A.real B.really C.am really D.am real 佳能7D如何将镜头画面调至屏幕,就是相机背后屏幕出现镜头画面,不用再看小镜头去拍摄本人新手,求各位解释得通俗点.