
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 16:43:09
Disable啥意思 一般用到哪里?电脑上设置的,这用哪里功能? 以"talking about your hobby"为题的作文 谁有英语新概念1的MP3新版的谢谢,发我邮箱gaoyuanshuai@126.com(朗文外研社新版英语初级的) What's his favorite subject? 的同义句What's his favorite subject? =What _ _ he _ _ ? What's his favorite subject?(改为同义句) what's his favorite book?同义句转换 _____ book _____ he _____ _____? it better to win or take part?为题的文章文章一定要写的有深度!单词难易差不多就高二的水平即可!望各位鼎立相助!我也一定回顶礼膜拜要英文的哟 接受我们的建议用英语怎么讲 兀,这个字读啥 有没有很巧妙的学英语的方式? 美发艺术推广节的英文怎么讲 先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐的意思(要简洁) there is mounting evidence that ... We should do morning exercise to keep h(). musica是什么意思? We should do exercise to keep h___. 拉丁文Musica delenit bestiam have done……since的一个问题谢谢网上有人说:have done for/since和have been doing for/since的区别如下:前者是完成时,表示动作结束了,后者是完成进行时,动作还在继续.但是我看吸血鬼日记时看到吸 have been和have doHe has been dead for many yesrs这句话为什么要have beenhave been啥意思,能不能换成He has dead for many yesrs.毕竟都是现在完成时+过去分词,为什么要加个been呢?为什么He has had a house since 2005不 后天就要交,求救!Her favourite subject is history.(用math完成选择疑问句)_______her favourite subject,history________math?请解答后顺便告诉我math和maths的区别,我将感激不尽!可是选择疑问句通常开头都是一 He favourite subject is music.=He (_)music(_)dddddddddd 谁能帮我查下关于两个生意人talking about shipping mark的英语对话,谢谢 Death Soul Mr Jones had a nice,brown coat.He loved it very much,.but his wife did not like it,because itwas old.Mrs Jones often said,“Give it to a poor man.”But Mr Jones always said,“No,no.I like this coat.”Then one day,a cigarette made a hole in it.So 英语音标发音admire /əd'maiə/ əd是读 爱的 还是 饿的əd放在一块读法是不是不一样? The title of the 中译英!请帮我看看这段话英文怎么说,因为我觉得我现在的公司加班太历害了,基本上每天都要加班到零晨二,三点.所以我想换一份工作. I don not know wether you have a virgin lslands是哪个国家OR地区?virgin lslands 是哪 什么是hartree-fork近似?