
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 13:56:05
在同一坐标系内画出正比例函数y1=-2x与y2=1\2x的图像(不需要画)(1)请用量角器度量这两条直线的夹角,你会发现什么,写出你的猜想.(2)再选一对函数通过作图验证你的猜想 1.I was ___ than you when I was born.A.more heavy B.much heavy C.heavier D.heavy2.It would be nessceary____ this do B.look up C.doing D.done 短语在英语中起什么作用(“成分”)? 0.029美金的英文说法是什么 人教版五年级语文下册基础训练第十五课第6题的第一小题和第二小题这是课文的——,在全文中起——的作用.画出描写“我"心理活动的句子(不用回答的).你是如何理解这句话的?写一写马上 一道简单的英语单项选择————will be the popluation of the world in the year 2010?A what B how much C how many D how soon请详细解释一下,谢谢 语文人教版五年级下册基础训练第27页第3小题怎么写 看到四年级上册第十一课田园诗情第二自然段想到了那些成语 也是语文配套练习册里的一道题 38页 第五题 11课 田园诗情 课文是围绕什么 苏教版语文五年级上册补充习题11页第三大题的第二小题答案急 初中简单的英语单项选择1.Alice,please go and ___ the book for me quickly.——No problem!A.take B.carry C.fetch D.lend2.Though these clothes are new.She is willing to ___ them___ to the poor people.A.hand out B.give away out 请问:10月31日用英语可否读作:October thirty the first? 英语翻译有没有开头是week的 英语:( )is the first day in a week. 英语翻译死寂 黑社会 法医等会还会有补充~请留意~ 英语翻译:我提交了申请材料,希望可以通过 名的两种英文表达,一种是first name,还有一种? 下面的名字(英文)是姓还是名?请在括号里面写上F(first name)L(last name).1.Tony(F)2.Hunt(?) 3.White(L) 4.Bruce(F)5.Lisa(?) 6.Cooper(?)7.Amy (F) 8.Green(L) 9.Brown (L) 10.Kevin(?) 11.Smith(L) 12.Paur(F) 问 在同一坐标系中画出下列函数的图像(1)y=-2(x-1)^2 (2)y=2x^2+1 用所给的字母组合单词 求,第1~100顺序词的英语 比如:first第一. 快速问答:①一百的英语单词怎么拼?②夏天的英语单词怎么拼?③你最喜欢数字first到tent那个?请全部问题打上 求壹英语演讲稿...主题是..要长一点的..大概100、200词的. 求教《英语》答案单选题 (20%)1.— Whose pen is it?— It’s __________ .A.mine C.I2.— Do you often meet each other?— No,we don’t.But we can meet at the New Year’s party________.A.once a year B.once a month C.last year3. When I want to do one thing which is very important to me,I will eliminate all of the obsacles about that.求教这句话在英语的表达习惯和语法上有没有任何错误,50分,也就有就这么多了 求教解答英语 英语、求解答 在同一直角坐标系中,画出下列函数的图像.(a)y=2x,(b)y=-1/2x+3(1)在同一直角坐标系中,画出下列函数的图像.(a)y=2x,(b)y=-1/2x+3 (1)利用所画出的图像填空,(a)函数y=2x的图像是过(0,—— It was the last day of the Nicest Wall Newspaper Week The judges wanted to choose the three best ones from all the wall newparpres in the they were going over the wall newparper of each class.It was easy to choose the first prize winner,Cl 英语短文答案Mingming and Yeye are______ Yuehu Primary School ,but they are not in the _______ age. As Mingming lives in a _______ next to Yeye’s ,they often go home together_______ school. One day ,they talked ________ Helen’s birthday 0.008元该怎么读呢? 英语短文,Mrs.King is an American doctor.She is now in China.She works in a Children,s Hospital in Beijing.She is also learning Chinse medicine there.She likes Chinese very much.She loves working for children.She works hard in the day and reads En