
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 10:48:23
用适当的动词形式填空 Is Amy (have) English class? 中级口译和商务英语哪个在就业当中的作用大一些,哪个考得容易些?我想考口译,但又有人建议我考商务英语,不知道哪个的作用更大些,希望前辈们给点意见 太阳和霓虹灯 .记叙顺序是 第5段呢 略写的是 详写的是 作用是 5段表现了季的优秀品质快,七年级上册寒假做业第3页太阳和霓虹灯太阳和霓虹灯 .略写的是 详写的是 作用是 5段表现了季先生 我想有份真爱 英文翻译 与……不同为什么是be different from不是be different with? different with 和 different from的区别能举个例句最好 What are you all about?怎么回 用(What about you) (you are right) (What用(What about you) (you are right) (What is the date) (When) (Whose)填空 阅读题奔跑的母亲 到底普通玻璃会隔离紫外线吗?幼儿吸收钙时医生要求开窗晒太阳,因为隔窗的话紫外线会被玻璃窗吸收,达不到晒太阳的效果,而在说太阳眼镜或者汽车玻璃时又说普通玻璃不能吸收紫外线,需 奔跑的母亲这篇文章叙事详略得当,请简要分析 普通玻璃对紫外线的阻挡是多少 be different with we have ——————(finished learning) six lessons this term 英文释义 中级口译和BEC 中级的区别?我大学考过BEC中级,勉强过了. 现在毕业两年,想考中级口译了.不知道两者的却别在哪儿?是不是口译难度更大?考中级口译有没有希望? BEC中级跟中级口译 It was not until midnight ( )they reached the camp site.A.that B.when C.while D.as It was not until midnight____the camp site as planned.A.that they reachedB.were they reachingC.did they reachD.as they were reaching请说明理由. Did you have an English class yesterday?Yes,I did.改错 [ ]an English lesson yesterday.A.went B.had C.have 这个句子对吗?“could you tell me what the teacher are saying?” .baby ,Please believe that I can give you happines中文意思 Please believe that I can give you happiness despite接that从句如何造句?despite后能接名词吗 这句可以这样说吗?I don't know what do you want saying Don't speak.I know just what you're saying是什么意思 心随梦想,梦随心飞. 翻译英文是怎么 梦无形 心相伴的英语 请帮忙翻译成英语,尽量有文采些,"执著的心,沿着带血的轨迹,到达梦的港湾" 玻璃能挡住紫外线吗?为什么? Tim lost his lunch改成否定句和一般疑问句 He broke a glass yesterday也改成否定句和一般疑问句 Not only I but also my mother like it .用as well as改成同义句