
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 00:43:19
1/1*2+1/2*3+1/3*4+…+1/2004*2005(以上/代表乘号) (1+1/2*2)(1+2*2*2*2)(1+2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2)+1/215要有过程(注:*是乘号) 明日花,作品类,似.京.都.不.伦.妻.的.那.种.一.两,部.就,可以.mengjingzhimo123126的 谁能告诉我这是什么花阿,我想明天把它送给别人呢,能不能告诉我这是什么花 这个女的是不是明日花?这是无码的 明日之花什么意思 黑眼睛听力mp3,跪求 谁有黑眼睛听力?共享一下吧雅思用到的 Jim's father got very angry with what he had done为什么用what不用that he failed in the exam,______made his father very angryA)whichb)itC)thatD)what请说明选择的原因,为什么不能选C或别的答案2)all ______is needed is a supply of oilA)the thingb)thatC)whatd)which请说明选择的原因,为什么不能选 My father got very angry______ A.with that I had done B.with what I had done C.At that I had doneMy father got very angry______A.with that I had done B.with what I had done C.At that I had done D.at what I had done my father got very angry what I had done f的笔顺的第一笔是什么啊? 那个被笔画了一下的是f(1) f按笔顺怎么写 什么是乐府? 乐府旧体诗与乐府新体诗 跪求剑桥雅思3-7听力及北语黑眼睛听力Mp3,辛苦,跪谢! 欧盟都有多少个国家?通用语言是什么? 请问,would as soon do it as not.would as i would thank it还是i would appreciate 请问这两句为什么这么翻译?谢谢.“I would do it as soon as not.我宁可做此事.”1. I would do it as soon as not.我宁可做此事.2. I would as soon do it as not. 我宁愿做那件事.语法该怎么分析呢? 常用国家的首都和语言要有中英文对照 As fate would have it谁帮我翻译一下 几个字,标点不算捏鸡蛋 星期天,我和爸爸妈妈一起做一个有趣的实验——捏鸡蛋.条件是把鸡蛋放在手心里,用手心的力量去捏,不能用手心的力量去按.谁要是把鸡蛋捏碎了,他就是大力士.实验 333 就是跟我男神聊天突然聊到了联盟,他对我一直挺冷.他就说他看LOL视频呢,直播.我就问他:现在什么比赛?他说:不是,是第一视角,我说:我智商有点不够用了.他说:这么埋汰自己?我就说:咩 =333=这个是什么意思~~ 333 是什么意思 伊斯兰教分布在哪些国家只用告诉我国家就行了 1.她一看见那件衣服就喜欢上了它 she____ ____ ____ ____ the dress as soon as she saw it2.在周末,我想穿得更随意一些.___ weekends,l want to____ more casually I look forward to the day you take the initiative to find me, donot forget,