
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 04:58:49
How many students are there in the classroom?答语---How many students are there in the classroom?---There________.It is a holiday today.A.is no B.is nothing C.are no one D.are none说明原因 连词成句 students,classroom,how,are,many,there,the,in There are many students in the classroom.(改为同义句) 甲、乙两车先后以相同的速度从A站开出,8点整甲车距A站的距离是乙车距A站距离的三倍,8点十分甲车距A站的距离是乙车距A站距离的2倍.问:甲车是何时从A站出发的? 液压系统油泵一样油缸动作不一样怎么回事 用C语言编程:编一程序,求出所有各位数字的立方和等于1099的3位整数. 一个正方体的棱长总和为60厘米,它的表面积是( ),体积是( ) 一个正方体的棱长总和是60厘米,这个正方体的表面积是( ),体积是( ) 每个小正方体棱长都是a厘米,问1个小正方体的表面积和体积各是多少?那2个,3个?,60个呢,n个呢? 一个正方体棱长总和是60厘米,它的表面积和体积分别是多少? 棱长和是60厘米的正方体,它的表面积和体积各是多少? where there any students ______on the playground?A.play B.towhere there any students ______on the playground?A.play B.to play C.playing D.played the students are studying English there.对studying English提问 一级自由提升缸先动作,完成全部行程后二级油缸再开始起升,请基于液压系统工作原因给予分析 液压系统油缸进出电机转速不正常 油缸进出到位后电机吃力不转,怎么回事? there are some students ou the playground 否不是否是一般问 There are some students ___ the playground.A.in B.on C.at D.to There are some students in the office.中对some student提问怎么提 There are many students on the playground.Some are playing,others are standing in line.这句话对吗Some are playing,others are standing in line.这个中间缺少连词吧,是不是应该没有逗号的 怎样快速提高初3化学成绩 一个圆柱的侧面展开正好是一个正方形,边长是6.28厘米,这个圆柱的体积是多少平方厘米.(保留两位小数)快啊急死了 小汽车在不同表面上运动的距离不同说明什么根据物理知识 怎样做反冲力运动的小车?能够跑多远? 物理和化学可以快速提高么?物理有时能及格 没时间了 6月24日中考 平时一般120~130(160分卷)左右,有时考个130左右,大爆发最多考过144,但也失误考过112和额不及格.比较渣,课上听得还好,课下也时而问问题,但总是考80几分(100分卷),简单的也考的如此,诶,不知 there are ________students in the classroom.where are they?A.a lot of B.very few C.very a few D.only few There are many students in the classroom now.They are talking ( )their classmates( )their hobbies是道填空A:with;with B:about;to C:to;about There are only __students in the classroom.Where are the others?A a few B few C a little D little要理由 Where are the____?They are in the classroom.A.teacher B.students C.desk 汽车的反应距离怎么求,它和制动有什么关系,反应距离的公式,写清楚点啊,不然看不懂 如图是某车从a地到b点,再返回来过程中汽车距离a地的路程与行驶时间的关系图,如果去时的速度是每分钟540米去时的速度比回来时慢了百分之几? 我马上就要上高三了,可我的化学成绩一直在70到80分之间,我很苦恼,我很想提高化学成绩.请问能帮帮我吗