
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 17:59:03
1.e____eat some more,or take some of those meatballs home with you.2.i phoned1.e____eat some more,or take some of those meatballs home with you.2.i phoned him twice on friday and left messages,but he never r____my call3.in such a small town it was s_ How long does it take you to get from home to school?you后面咋没有some time第二个to是跟get连用还是跟from连用 1.How will Sam feel when ___(travel) by plane2.--Do you mind my smoking here --____A.No,thanks B.No.Good idea C.Yes,please D.yes,Better not3.It was shen the meeting was over___he realized that he had made a mistake A.unless B.that C.before D.until4._ do you think _ is interesting?A.traveller B.travelling C.to travel D.travelled 金达莱花的翻译 They will going to the supermarket to buy some candies行吗They go to the supermarket to buy some candies是原句型,要改为一般将来时 -I am going to the supermarket .-Will you get me some chocolates ···you are there ,mom -I am going to the supermarket .-Will you get me some chocolates ···you are there ,mom A sinceB becauseC ifD whilesince不是有既然的意思,为什麽不 -I'm going to the supermarket.-Will you get me some chocolates ___ you are there,mum?RT 选项:A.since B.because C.if D.while since有“既然”的意思 为什么不选A而要选择D?选择D的话主句和从句时态不就不一致了么? I am sure I will have a wonderful vacation.I can not wait. 英语作文the most touching experience i have had in this winter vacation寒假已过了大半,我们有些留恋,之中肯定有些事会让你感动.请以the most touching experience i have had in this winter vacation为题写一篇作文,不少 This is the house where she lives.的汉语解释是什么.This is the house where she lives. 求助.谢谢 在做宾语从句的题目时候发现选项里有where she lives in 和where she lives为什么前者where she lives in 就是错误的呢? Ulyanovsk,near where she lives.这句话中where的用法是不是引导定语从句.还是别的用法? 1.5×+18=3× 为什么1+1+1+5*3=18? (-18)×(-1又1/3)-5×1/5×(-5)=?(计算) 18-1.5除3/5=? 春天杨树下雨怎么回事 某校的校园里种有一些柳树和杨树,杨树与柳树的比是11:9,今年春天又中了16棵杨树,这时,柳树只占总数的四分之一.校园里有柳树多少棵? The boy ( )when he went out with his mother A:is lost B:was lost C:lost D:losted应该选什么呢?为什么 Tom's mother was ______(worry) about Tom when he went out for vacation with his clasmates. 英语句型转换:1.He went to bed when his mother came back.He_____go to bed ____his mother came ba英语句型转换:1.He went to bed when his mother came back.(保持原意)He_____go to bed ____his mother came back.2.Joe will be 142cm tal in our class翻译是什么 I love our class翻译成中文是什么意思 我们班有56名学生 翻译; ____ ____ ____students is 56 in our class. 成语“机不可失”的下一句是“时不再来”还是“失不再来”? 这个这个,今天看到一句话哈,是:机不可失,时不再来.我想知道这句话是 ,机不可失失不再来,还是机不可失,时不再来.而且想知道为什么 机不可失失不再来还是机不可失时不再来?给个确切答案 这张图上那些相同的影子是怎么用PS做出来的? 是以下哪一个?机不可失失不再来 机不可失时不再来 改错I’m sure you’ll have good time there.________________ his mother died when he was five and not long after his father was killed in a battle怎么翻译