
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 17:19:15
敬酒不吃吃罚酒——( ) Aunt Josephine 的中文翻译是什么 敬酒不吃吃罚酒的成语是什么? The toys on the floor will put away in a minute错在了哪里? 谁能帮我把九一八事变简要的概括一下!【【【说重点】】】! 怎么提升自己的数学素养应该多做些什么题 九一八事变后“不抵抗”命令是谁下的 九一八事变假如蒋介石不下不抵抗命令会怎样 When do you h____this l____? They thanked me and then went away (改写为同义句)They ___ ___ to me and then went away?这两个空怎么填、 曹刿论战从第一段看鲁庄公是个怎样的人 No Hablo IngléS 歌词 藏头诗生成器上网找了许久也找不到,希望各位有能之士能帮帮小弟~~! 不要有毒的哦! 藏头诗在线生成器以娄芳我想你 做一首藏头诗 广州话读音:唔该!怎样发音? They commuicate to each other by telephone.和Don't froget posting the letter for me tomorow.句子的错误?句子的错误?句子的错误?句子的错误?句子的错误? HABLO espanol 怎么读? buenos solo hablo什么意思 拉丁语hablo espanol 怎么发音 我的生活看法中文化背景起到了什么作用 英语翻译我的:Only you know problem is what,you can businesslike figure it out(ravel out).最好通过我的翻译指出我平时翻译时应该注意那些问题. 求粉红色的回忆歌词, When did you come to this school?___ 2002.A.On B.At C.In D.From 翻译并语法说明 英语翻译 英语翻译"One can even set up quite ridiculous cases.A cat is penned up in a steel chamber,along with the following diabolical device (which must be secured against direct interference by the cat):in a Geiger counter there is a tiny bit of radioac 客家酿豆腐的历史.由来如题 我在花坛旁闻到了醉人的花香和漂亮的蝴蝶.(改病句) 这支优美动听的歌声在教室里回荡 修改病句 告诉我5个病句,不要太夸张了,优美的,不要改病句只要病句 He made his dreams come ture after several years' working hard.come ture为什么不能换成realize或achieve呢? Espanol是什么意思 1Don't worry.She can look after your pet___Acareful enough B enough careful Ccarefully enough D enough carefully2He____to turn off the light when he left Aasked B asks C has been asked D was asked 3From then on ,I read the book ____Chinese people his