
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 00:11:47
“中外音乐作品欣赏”如何翻译成英文? You should come to attend the evening party since you have promised to do 在音乐方面 翻译英语 you should have come to the party with your parents ,it was full of I should very much like to have gone to the party but I____.A.am not invited B.was not invited C.shall not be invited D.am not being invited选什么啊、.,为什么 Are you helping your mother______(clean)the house. The boy is very happy____(help) his mother clean the house i'm helping my mother clean the house this afternoon.对划线部分提问画线部分:helping my mother clean the house___ ___ you ___ this afternoon? 1.Zhang Hao often helps his mother___(clean)the house.2.将这些频度副词根据频率由大到小排序:often,never,sometimes,usually ,hardly,always3.这个书橱和那个一样.(用英语说) suzy is helping us clean the house .clean the house 在句中为何成分?suzy 主语,is helping 谓语,us直接宾语,clean the houses是何成分? 他喜欢音乐和体育.翻译 音乐和体育用英文怎么说 我们上像音乐,美术,体育等其他课.(翻译成英语) Jack said he ____ this Sunday morning.A.would pick up me B.picked me up C.would pick me up D.picked up me --Jack went to London this morning.--Really?I thought he ____ until next week.A.won't be going B.isn't goingC.wasn't going D.hadn't been going选什么?为什么?由于各种讲法都有,所以最好有权威性的发言 设a为实数,函数f(x)=x²+(x-a)的绝对值+1,x属于R1.讨论f(x)的奇偶性2.求f(x)的最小值 一道我不会的数学题!2 物体从高处自由落下时,经过的距离 s与时间t之间有s=1/2gt的关系,这里的g是一个常数.当t等于2时,s=19.6,求t=3时s的值(t的单位是秒,s的单位是米)(提示:先求出常数g的 哪里有pets3的听力mp3可下? PETS3听力的问题准考证上说不能带录放音机,那可以带什么?(walkman、mp3可以吗?)还是啥都不用带?考过的朋友帮个忙告诉我,thanks 你喜欢音乐吗?用英文如何翻译 Is she your sister?A.Yes,she is B. Yes,he is C. Yes,it is 关于Is she your sister?的问题is为动词,按照常理来说动词后面的人称代词用宾格,she的宾格是her,按照“动宾”的说法,所以应该是IS her your sister? 但是将它变为一般疑问句是又行不通了.所以想问问 .—why,Jack,you look so tired!---Well,I _____the house and I must finish the work tomorrow.A.was painting B.will be painting C.have painted D.have been painting为什么选D? Jack,you'd better go and have a look for y__ tomorrow. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.中为什么用JACK? Jack work so hard as he dreams ___ owning his own house soon.以下四个选项选哪一个?A.toB.withC.ofD.on为什么? 右边是某汽车专卖店5月份汽车销售数量的统计图,上旬 8 ,中旬 10 ,下旬 15上旬卖出的汽车数量是全月的几分之几同一种练习本,在家超市标价为5元3本,乙标价是7元4本,丙标价8元5本。如果 将内阻分别为100欧姆和80欧姆,满偏电流相同的两电流表,通过串联不同的电阻改装成量程相同的电压表,两电 广告词的修辞手法?1人类失去理想世,界将会怎样?2牛奶香浓,丝般感受.3新版面福瑞卡,伴你畅游天下.4点点滴滴汇心海,片片真情暖人间.修辞手法 下面的广告语都运用了一定的修辞手法,与其它三条不同的一条是()1.天上彩虹,人间长虹.(长虹牌电视机) 2.家家如意,人人称心.(如意牌电视机) 3.宝宝口服,妈妈心服.(龙牡壮骨冲剂) pets3级问题pets3级笔试和口试个是多少分满分多少分算过啊 如果其中一项没过另一项成绩给保留多久啊 广告语"做足100用"的是什么修辞手法?