
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 15:05:34
埃及有几位法老 埃及有几位女法老?分别是谁?第几王朝?那么埃及艳后呢?她不是么? 埃及法老共有几位?不要乱粘的! The computer is widely used in education and some people think teacher do not play important role in the classroom.To what extent do you agree.Technology is advancing at a staggering rate especially in terms of computers.It is not uncommon that most 麻烦修改一下雅思大作文Some people believe that the shortage of fossil fuels will lead to the replacement of alternative energy like solar system and wind.To what extent do you agree or disagree?As the environmental problems on this planet 帮我看看这篇雅思小作文,剑5 Test2 Task 1Illustrated are two column graphs,showing the two reasons for learning among students of five age groups (under 26-over 49) and the support situation by employers.It shows a moderately decline of stu 请帮我修改一下雅思小作文,The graph reveals the requirement of electricity in England during typical days in winter and summer.The following chart describes what the electricity is used for English home in an average level.We can clearly l 细菌中含有清蛋白吗?《生化》中说到“所有生物都还有清蛋白和球蛋白”,那细菌中也有吗? What's your dream? 想找个老外交朋友 ,练习英语的同时能够感受中西方文化的不同不知道有没有老外肯教我呢?如果有,那真感激不尽! 每十个新加坡人中有九个是中国人,英文怎么说? 求一篇英语作文,主题是what is your ideal transportation tool?三百词左右.词汇不要特别难懂 雅思G类小作文,You rent a house through an agency.The heating system has stopped working.You phone the agency a week agobut it has still not been mended.Write a letter to agency.Explain the situation and tell them what you want them to do about 雅思小作文求修改There is a table illustrating the new cars sold in usa in 2000 to 2005 that from four different counties.by and large the total quantity illustrated a mild decrease over this figure of sold cars.in particular,usa has the large 雅思小作文 修改一定要给个评分哦亲 剑7 TEST3The graph describes changes in average prices of house in various cities around the world in the thirteen-year period from 1990 to 2002 compared with the average house prices in 1989.First o 问两个英语句式!有没有句式是think+句子find+句子最好在给我个例句,think后一定要加that吗 我从不开心.英语翻译5个空 英语翻译1.西蒙下午想去看医生 Simon wants to ___ ___ the doctor this afternoon.2.他什么时候打电话告你好消息的?When does he ___ ___ ___you the good news?3.根据首字母填空,填写单词.(1) Mike is three years old.His 埃及法老和金字塔有什么联系? 埃及法老有哪些很好的一些古老故事 埃及的各个法老名是什么? 请雅思高手还有老师帮我评判一下我的大作文并给出一点意见.\(≧▽≦)/~Nowadays,children play less with others and this has an impact on their development.What are the reasons for this?Does it have a good or a bad effect on c what is your dream,70词的初二作文,如题,作文内容大概就是写自己的梦想.允许小错误.那个,可以给个简单一点比较好背的吗?我要背下来的= = Are these _____ tickets?No,_____ are not _____._____ aren't here.(they) Are these _______ cards?No,______ are not ______ ._______ aren't here.(they)用所给词的适当形式填空 用所给词的恰当形式填空Are these________stamps No,______are not(they) 请问哪个英语句型是正确的,为什么?It is difficult to answer the question for me.It is difficult for me to answer the question. 英语,句型转换(准确啊)1.What about having dinner with them?(改为同义句)______ _____having dinner with them?2.My teacher asks me to come in.(改为同义句) My teacher_______me______in.3.Please give her a call at once.(改为同 u better check them out. these little kids are Non-mainstream? come on they look like circus chicks. are u guys trying to be a Acrobatic Troupe or is it me just thinking too much. If u love body peircing soo much then let me give u a suggestion, how BEYOND的爸爸妈妈歌词You better check this out是什么意思?翻译成中文谢谢, You better check this out是什么意思? 翻译成汉语“Think out a robot or a machine to help them live better