
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 08:03:31
“结庐在人境,而无车马喧”表达了作者什么思想感情? 一个英语长句语法分析,主谓宾结构The drought that is devastating grain fields across center in the United States reinforces expert forecasts that world food supplies will steadily tighten this decade,and that prices will rise.这句的 Learn how to communicate with others is very important.那judge people by their appearance is not wise。要用动名词吗?为什么remind me buy some flowers.要用原型? You should learn how to ___ ____with others.除了填get along with 还能填get on with how important it is to learn English.这个句子中的it is 能省略吗为什么 从哪能查到各种金属所对应的英文字母缩写? Your donation is greatly appreciated and the money is well used to help disabled people like me. 古巴比伦人民为世界文明做出哪些贡献 Your help to achieve this will be greatly appreciated中文意思是什么?Your help to achieve this will be greatly appreciated.中文意思是什么? your help during my attendence of studying english is appreciated 的中文意思 Your donation is greatly appreciated and the money will be.为什么是is? 我想知道辽宁师范大学英语翻译硕士二外是怎么安排的?只考听力还是全考? 具有大专以上文化学历的党代表比例:十四大70.8%,十五大83.5%,十六大91.9%,十七大93.3%,这说明什么 关于信用证上的一句话Detail packinglist should be submitted to bank when negotiate这句话是啥意思?是不是要在装箱单上加点东西啊?和平时的装箱单有什么区别呢? 信用证上一句话,一日本客户给开来意信用证,2/3set of CLEAN ON BOARD BILLS OF LADING MARKED FREIGHT COLLECT MADE OUT TO ORDER OF SHIPPER AND BLANK ENDORSED AND NOTIFY APPLICANT 第二句BENEFICIARY'SIGNED CERTIFICATE STATING THAT ONE S 信用证一句话Indicating goods loaded on board,made out to the order of the first international bank of isreal ltd.,notify the applicant first marked freight payable at destination and specifying:机译的给我走远点 What( )she do on sundays?She often washes the clothes. 信用证,一句话ANY SET OF DOCUMENTS CONTAINING DISCREPANCIES AND PRESENTED TO US UNDER THIS DOCUMENTARY CREDIT,WILL BE CHARGED WITH A FEE OF EUR 10000OR EQUIVALENT AT FINAL PAYMENT TO COVER THE EXTRA WORK INVOLVED THIS CHARGE IS FOR ACCOUNT OF BE 翻译信用证中一句话beneficiary's manually signed original invoices made out in the name of applicant and in the currency of credit in ...主要这里面的currency of credit 怎么理解?请教.. Your kind heip is greatly _____?Your kind heip is greatly _____横线上填appreciate的什么形式?是Your kind help is greatly _____?抱歉啊……打错了一个字母,另外请回答问题的人附加上这种形式的写法和用法,谢谢 如图,直线y=kx+b与x轴成45度角,交点C(6,0),于y轴交于点D,点A是直线上在第一象限内的点,B坐标为(4,01.求直线y=kx+b的解析式?2.设三角形的面积为S,用含x的代数式表示S,并求出x的取值范围?3.在直 那一件事被称为探索社会主义道路的良好开端? 如果你有爱因斯坦的智商,你会做什么? 关于祖国61华诞的诗歌,急! 怎样写一篇关于祖国六十一华诞的盛况作文.是六十一华诞! 为什么海南大学的翻译硕士不考二外? 秦始皇焚书坑儒对中国历史有没有起到推进作用?中国历史发展 童年主要写了主人公那个时期怎样的生活,其中还揭示了怎样的更深刻的社会生活背景,请简要概述. 作者写少年闰土反映了当时怎样的社会背景 骆驼祥子与童年当时的社会背景相同吗祥子和阿廖沙当时生活的社会背景相同吗,他们有可比性吗 《童年》通过写外祖父的家庭环境揭示了什么社会问题小说再现了十九世纪七八十年代俄罗斯下层人民的生活状况,揭示了社会的黑暗 冷酷 无情,表达了人们对美好生活的向往.(这可是标准 我国原始社会分为哪两个阶段