
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/18 08:58:59
完形填空 A:hello,TOM,how are you?B:I`m( ),( )you.A:LOOK,( )the woman in the car?B:( )Miss Brown.A:Is she a ( B:NO,she ( ).she`s a doctor. many people together的近义词 great people nice的近义词,拜托了! That's good to hear.为什么不是that's good to be hearThat's good to hear.为什么不是that's good to be heared.求详解, Her sister has become a layer.She wanted to be a layer.应合并为限制性定语从句还是非限制性定语从句?为什么? My sister wanted to be a nurse,bua she became a shop assistant(i )根据句意填写单词My sister wanted to be a nurse,but she became a shop assistant(i )根据句意填写单词 He goes to school()around seven(in)the morning. There is ( )water in my cup.Please give me some.( )中开头字母为l 是小写的L,不是大写的I I began to work in Shanghai in the year——HongKong was returned to china.A.that B.which C.where D请说明原因 I began to work in Shanghai in the year——HongKong was returned to china.A.that B.which C.whereD.when I hope to visit places _______are very beautiful and interesting.A.where B.that C.who D.when I have ___ ti tell .Really? What's that? A.interesting anything B.anything interesting后面还有答案C.interesting something D.something interesting.把ti tell 改成 to tell you 谢谢 can you tell me what's the matter with him 为什么从句不是陈述句 can you tell me what"s the matter 中 what"s the matter 为什么不是 陈述语序呢?宾语从句应为陈述语序啊? each other近义词 each other的近义词是什么?要准确 other thing 的近义词kuai The head of the company promised to deal with matters of this sort----he returned to his officeA .until B.while C.by the time D.the moment 我想选C 想请问一下为什么 另外 the moment和 by the time 用法上有什么区别》》》谢谢! the head of the company是什麽意思? He is the manager of this company 和He is manager of this company.哪个对? 英语翻译 I usually go do school_____seven_____the morning.A.at,on B.at,in C.about,on My brother (go) to school in the morning.用所给词的适当形式填空 把句子 该成定语从句1.Xiaoming is a great scientist .I admire him very much2.the telephone is a great inwention.people use is all over the world3.I will remember the film forever .Isaw it last night. 这个句子为什么是定语从句—— what do you think of teaching,Bob?—— I find it fun and challenging.It is a job_____you are doing something serious but interesting.后面的It is a job_____you are doing something serious but interesting 用定语从句完成句子.The boys ----------(正在踢足球的)are from England.This is the pen -------------(我昨天刚买的)He is the man --------------(我刚跟他谈过话的)Football is the game --------------(被大多数 骂人的英语,要实用的, each other 等于什么 英语翻译RT不要有语法错误不要在线翻译的 May I use your computer for a minute?_mine doesn't work well还有 didn‘t work ,isn’t work ,wasn't work 怎么不行,我希望每一个都有理由.这是个对话May I use your computer for a minute?_·mine doesn't work well,it hasn't work for Is your brother playing computer games,Ted?--He m____ do that,because the computer doesn't work. The purpose of_________is to deal with traffic pressure中的to deal with 做什么成分