
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 15:41:00
There used to be a building的反意疑问句是什么?说明原因 冻牛奶还有营养吗?和常温牛奶比呢?营养价值会不会破坏? 最是一个表程度的词,后面一般接形容词,最大,最美,最好.但“天使”是一名词怎么也说不通啊~古汉语有作动词,但翻译感觉怪怪的~ 1.反意疑问句 Eric used to be strong—— ——?2.Mary used to be friendly and outgoing 改为一般疑问句不做出否定回答 陶渊明生活的时代背景就时代背景,不要他的生平写作背景. 人为财死,鸟为食亡,人谁不为财,人没有贪欲社会又怎么会发达呢?鸟也同样! 人为财死,鸟为食亡.钱有那么重要吗? 为什么有这样一句话人为财死鸟为食亡拜托各位大神 为什么女人真贱. 人民的国王任务怎么做 气候变化给人类带来的影响谈谈在低碳经济时代我们肩负的责任与使命河南科技大学的形势与政策作业~ 学习的目的在于创新.学会创新是时代赋予我们的使命.逆向思维是创新的一条有效的途径.如“班门弄斧”本是一个贬义词,有人却提出“班门也要弄斧”,并且陈诉了自己的理由:班门弄斧虽 五年级英语暑假做业P71页:1 a beautiful bird 2 a wise bird 3 a lucky dog 4 a shy fish专指某类人的. an early bird、a beautiful bird、a wise bird、a lucky dog、a shy fish的中文意思 a wise bird a lucky dog a shy fish a shy fish的意思 守护天使的真正意义是什么?有人知道吗? demons'angle 指什么,啥意思, I think I am bad for you请问这句话的意思是?if you were to care about me .....I think you would be mad all the time 如果是这样呢? What am I gonna do now,I can't seem to think of anything else your pretty face,your perfect skin I love the way your hair blows in the wind,every time you smile I feel a warmth from within,I'm constantly thinking of ways,to say'hi I'm Andrew chou"... 反意疑问句我看不到动词,咋办?例:I'm a good singer,_______ _______is he going to stay there?----Three weeks应该填how long 还是how soon we are going to stay with you for two 英语翻译yyking89 和 贡鱼仔 都答错了. 改为被动语态 能改几题是几题 改被动语态(急啊)1.What made her so upset? 英语翻译如题. The incidence rate of cancer mainly stems from several factors ,including inappropriate diets ,poor healthcare practices and the lack of early detection .Continuing medical advances and rising awareness do ,however ,offer promising hope for the futur 初中自我介绍怎么写 1.the students at this school are mainly from the countryside.请问此句中的mainly为什么要用副词形式,main形容词形式不行吗?2.you stand there feeling like everyone is looking at you,译这个句子,另分析下这个句子,四个 come mainly from in的中文 改成被动语态They saw her go shopping on nanjing road yeaterdayshe___ ___ ____go shopping on nanjing road yeaterday