
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/18 10:55:45
what will you do this summer?的英语作文怎么写 要一片低碳环保英语作文 大约80词左右就可以 关于低碳生活的英语作文,1000字!两天之内 绿色出行 低碳生活1000字1.看到的家庭生活中的一些不环保的现象2.写感受效果3.从身边做(该怎么环保)4.呼应(练笔)就这些老师说可以写1000多字,可以写1000或500字,但是要好啊.一定是绿色 What is your favorite sport? Why?英语口语考试,4到5句,拜托大家多帮忙哦 what is your favorite food?有英语高手没,快救命啊 要求:6句, what color is your favorite?用is还是用are是由color(colors)决定还是favorite(favorites)决定 what is your favorite color 谁有1000字的英语作文,题材是我的梦想或是展望未来的, ( )is the Christmas?It's on December 25th.填when还是what day ( )is the Christmas?it's on December 25th.A.When B.What time.C.What day. Christmas Day is on December 25th.(改为同义句) Christmas Day is on _____ _____ _____ _____. 介绍食物的英语作文60字 Christmas day is on December 25th对划线部分提问 (on December 25th)这是划线部分()()()Christmas day? Christmas is on Dember 25th.(对December 25th提问) _ _ Christmas?对日期提问 英文翻译 周末爸爸为我们烧三餐. 英语翻译______ your father ______ ____ _______ stay at home next weekend?请问横红中该如何填 What is importance of the Spring Festival?用英文答. 英语趣味问和答 What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?What is the poorest in the world?Why are dogs afraid to sunbathe?what two words contain thousands of letters?why is 10*10=1000 like your left eye?Why is the letter E so i 雅思口语.What the traditional festival is? 用英语回答 when is the Spring Festival?各位不是说翻译,是用英文来回答我的问题 的500字作文回答出来追加10 1 When is the Mid Autumn Festival?2 What do people usually eat the Mid Autumn festival?Mid-Autumn FestivalEveryone in China likes Mid-Autumn Festival.It usually comes in September or October.On that day every family eats mooncakes at home.A mooncake 关于英语颜色的100单词左右的短文 你喜欢什么样的衣服.喜欢的什么颜色?40个词的的短文 是英语 近年来,中小学生的健康日益引起人们的关注.请你用英文写两篇英语文章 60词 we will go to Hainan ( ) 我们将去海南度假 ( )( )our holiday 我们将去海南度假打错了……we will go to Hainan ( )our holidaywe will go to Hainan ( )( ) our holiday我们将去海南度假 关于活力青奥 青春南京的600字作文 礼仪 青奥 绿色南京 初二英语作文 150-200字礼仪 青奥 绿色南京 初二英语作文 150-200字 3个主题 2个略写 要有开头 结尾 活力青奥、青春南京作文1000字 英语作文 给圣诞老人的一封信不少于10句,也不要太多.要翻译 Where will you go during this summer holiday?