
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 06:35:58
log3 63-log3 7 3是底数 my parents后应该选什么Aincluded Bcontaining Cincluding D contained My parents什么意思 My parents are( ).A.shop works B.shops workers C.shops worker D.a shop worker2.Where is the bank,please?A.on the leftB.in front ofC.near toD.on right log4为底数(log3为底数^81)+3^log3为底数^5 log3 4=x,求x(3为底数) 四棱锥A-BCDE中,底面BCDE为矩形,侧面ABC⊥底面BCDE,BC=2,CD=根号2,AB=AC,证明:AD⊥CE 四棱锥A-BCDE中,底面BCDE是矩形,侧面ABC垂直于底面BCDE,BC=2,CD=根号2,AB=AC,证明AD垂直于CE On ___ side of the rode老师说用either,我觉得用each应该也说的过去,(但我写的是either)大师们觉得呢? there are many old buildings on___side of rode,and many new buildings on ____side 太阳不可能在晚上出现,不过月亮 太阳不可能在晚上出现,不过月亮却是经常与太阳一起挂在天上的,但人们在白天很难看到月亮,这是社么原因呢?这是为社么? 用成分分析法列个树状图表来分析这个歧义句 John hit the dog with a bone window was broken by Tom,的树形图画法如题 如题.谢 懂英语的进来看下“笑艺”这个名字用英文怎么表达,越好听越好,那个smart人家看到第一眼想到的是聪明与笑艺扯不上任何关系啊 三角函数cot哪个象限是正的 谁懂英语的 帮我看哈什么情况 已知BD 、CE是△ABC的高,试说明:BCDE在同一圆上. 人教版语文七上词语手册14课里面的词语注音! 人教语文五年级上册第十四课教材全解的解词、近义词反义词.急 下面两个句子各有一处语病,在不改变原意的基础上进行改正1.广泛的课外阅读,是提高学生语文学习的关键.2.为了防止明明不再去网吧上网,明明的父母想尽了各种办法. 六年级语文14课好词好句.急 We are young.Let the old man_______the boat first.A.to get on B.gets on C.get on D.getting on The man in the boat to jump ashore.这句话对么?错在那里? It is a waste of time just sitting around when I could do something to help ___.A.someone elseB.eitherC.oneselfD.myself请帮我分析一下并写出整句句子的翻译, 四棱锥A-BCDE中,底面BCDE为矩形,侧面ABC⊥底面BCDE,BC=2,CD=根号2,AB=AC,证明AD⊥CE Jane stopped where a small crowd of men had gathered.这句话是where引导的名词性从句还是定语从句?请给出权威的答案, we're getting somewhere? i heard you're getting married!为什么heard后面加are getting married 这是什么时态? Where do eating KFC 必动词是加 do 还是are? I heard that you're getting married.how to join the sound怎么连读? They’re getting married next month.为什么是married