
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 13:43:24
we lunch have for salad 连词成句 怎样使用“的”,“地”,“得”!还有形容词和副词的区别! You know. are you going to () () 游泳this afternoon? it takes me (twenty minutes) to get to the store(对括号里的提问) 英语翻译突然想到的.忘记是在哪看到的了.或者是我乱编的.不记得了. i think this movie is very 后面能接什么 The thing he saw was smoke_________ from behind the house?A rose B rising C to rise C risen请问它充当的是smoke的定语,还是整个句子的状语?为什么不能选A,这样可以把它当成一个表语从句 The smoke from the chimney i____that someone was in the house. 赛尔号nono翻译芯片材料是? Yu:I have always loved you. I Have Always Loved You 歌词 将改为同义句Do you have green swesters? Do you green sweaters怎样进行同义句转换打错了修正如下;Do you have green sweaters想要分的别乱说哦 -do you have any sweater -( ),I ( ) been this done that and never do it again英语高手来一下,不要机器翻译的. 生长曲线怎么测定? 英语翻译RT 不要机器 口语化 不要 太长 after a long work ,you must be t( ) 人生的意义是什么 人活就是只是为了自己吗谢谢了, they have just had some sandwiches . they have just had some sandwiches 对some sandwiches 提问 He arrive in New York.---.some time later,he become a writerA when b where c that d which They have never arrived in New york already.(改错) when he arrived in new york ,it was rainning? 名人笑对失败 I think this is___awful movie.A.a B.an C.the D./答案是B,为什么C不可以 初一开学趣事日记大全400字 初中暑假日记大全600字领成绩单和快开学 如图,梯形ABCD中,AD平行于BC,AC与BD交于点O,说明三角形AOB全等于三角形COD是全等,不是面积相等 如图,已知梯形ABCD的面积为S,AD∥BC,BC=b,AD=a(a<b),对角线AC与BD交于点O,若△COD的面积为2S/9,则a/b为多少? 英语翻译Ooh,you're searching for something I knowWon't make you happyOoh,you're thirsting for something I knowWon't make you happyOoh,you did it all again,You broke another skinIt's hard to believe this time,hard to believeThat my heartMy heart's