
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 00:44:45
Where do you watch TV?作语法说明并回答问题 Wax Tailor—— this train歌词以及中文翻译. HOO-与HO2-与HOO•一样吗?如果不一样,有什么区别呢?是带点的称为自由基吗?不带点的称为离子?那反应时是带点的活性高是吗?那头两个都是离子的一样吗? Be ________.You shold do your homework__________.(care) Can you__me to the hospital,please.Iwant to know the way.A.get B direct C carry D instruct not women no 怎么翻译? Jim is six.Helen is six.合并句子Jim is as ________ ________Helen Jim is six.Helen is six.(合并句子) Jim is as ____ ____Helen. Jim is six.Helen is six.(合并句子) Jim is as ____ ____Helen.(切勿抄袭) The end of the game . Now,the end of the game! Tom won ____ the end of the game.A.at B.on C.over 选 哪个 beach、beachfront和seaside有什么区别? seaside coast beach 在意思上,用法上有什么区别? shore和beach的区别 beach和beaches的区别 The teather asked me for my__when I was late agnin.这题填excuse 还是anser. Jim is six.Helen is eight.合并句子 Jim_______ ________than Helen. She took slow breaths of the nauseating air.Nomads did not have addresses and did not record the history of territories.请翻译 英语这样翻译对吗? 需要被解决的问题(意思相近即可)To be settle question They are eleven怎么提问 这句话错哪了?George offered a better suggestion to me than what Charlie offered to me.要具体讲解,不准来虚的啊,妈妈说做人要厚道~我知道要怎么改,我是问为什么。满足一个孩子对知识的渴求把 逸枫,英文名莪弟弟叫逸枫,他希望莪给他取个英文名.但是,莪实在想不出来,所以来问问大家.英文名要的,含义好的. 琳枫起什么英文名好啊 Look at the kids.They are playing with theLook at the kids.They are playing with the toys _____(happy). 用所给词的适当形式填空 求思路 英语翻译sable when it came to advising clients where best to place ads.Now,a host of technology firms like Adobe,Sales force and IBM,offer analytical service and software to help advertiser achieve the best bang for each buck.Big internet firms l They ordered another __________ for the kids .选项:a、two glasses of milk b、two glass of milk c In front of the booking office stood hurdreds of football fans,_____to get a ticketa.expectingb.expecttedc.to expectd.being expected I didn't know how long____ such aA.has he had B.he has caught C.he had had D.had he caught you are the one to talk 貌似是俚语 暮光中Charlie说Billy"You are the bomb" 我知道不是“你是个炸弹”的意思,但是是什么呢? 英语翻译实在太喜欢这首歌了.现在百度上搜到的翻译得实在太烂了,估计是翻译机直接翻译出来的,很糟糕.英文歌词如下:settling (沉淀 or 解决)歌手:Tara MacLean 专辑:流星花园 am I real am I