
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 20:39:39
句号后面是什么图标什么意思呢? 关于初三的定语从句:比如说 I am interested in (all that) you have said.像括号里的all that之类的在连接词之前加of in to这种介词 关于这类的语法谁帮我说明一下 a bag carried on the back汉语翻译下 稀土 稀土那么珍贵,请问中国人应该如何使用它?简单几句话,请不要太多 如图,在光滑水平面上有一物体,其左端连一轻质弹簧,弹簧另一端固定在墙上,起初物体静止在水平面上,现给物体施加一水平向左的恒力F,物体向左移的最大距离为 L ,求 :(1)弹簧产生的最大 *如图,在光滑水平面上有一物体,其左端连一轻质弹簧,弹簧另一端固定在墙上,起初物体静止在水平面上,现给物体施加一水平向左的恒力F,物体向左移的最大距离为 L ,求 :(1)弹簧产生的最大弹 the boy __(lie)on the grass when he fell sleep 用所给词适当形式填空简述理由。感激不尽 It's time to have English.请详细讲讲其中的语法只是点.打错了,知识点 两个完全相同的质量均为m的滑块A和B,放在光滑水平面上,滑块A与轻弹簧相连,弹簧另一端固定在墙上,当滑块B以初速度V0向滑块A运动,如图所示,碰撞后不再分开,下述叙述正确的是A.弹簧的最大 一道初二英语题 Fill in the blanks in the e-mail message. Use"I'm+verb+ing"or "I have to+verb"Hi Henry,Thanks a lot for the invitation. I'm sorry I can't visit next week.On Monday, I have to(go to the doctor).On Tuesday ,I'm ( ) with Fill in the Visitors to the country have beenasked to fill in a deatailed q---首字母填空 Fill in the blanks,help to have a look.1.My sister is ill.I have to _____ her at home.a.look at b.look up c.loo after d.look for2.They _____ five days finishing the work.a.paid b.took c.spent3.—Why not _____ John a toy car for his birthday?—Good The little boy likes to f___his father everywhere.空里填什么 Simon is good at all his subjects at school.改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答 jack is s---.he is good at all his subjects at school.jack's est friend went abroad three years ago.jack now m-----him a lot.his joke was very funny.it made all of us l----.mr liasked a difficult question,and all the students r-----silent.misswang is lin tao is the only one of the boys who (is,are) good at swimming此题选is还是 are Tom is w______ an e-mail to his f______ in the s______. 在光滑的水平面上有一物体,它的左端连着一弹簧,弹簧的另一端固定在墙上,在F的作用下物体处于静止状态.当撤去力F后,物体将向右运动,在物体向右运动的过程中,弹簧弹力对物体做功情况 下 Tom is excited to get an e 如图7-5-6所示,在光滑的水平面上有一物体,它的左端连一弹簧,弹簧的另一端固定在墙上,在力F作用下物体处于静止状态,当撤去F后,物体将向右运动,在物体向右运动的过程中,下列说法正确的是( 有关MUSIC的good points and bad points 蓓 取英文名我叫 吴蓓 想取个英文名 我想要个似 动若脱兔静若处子 的名字还有就是不想再要大众的名字了我起了几个英文名 帮我看看哪个好听Peri 佩蕊Claire 克莱尔Sharpay 莎培Mikaela 帮忙取个英文名,名里有个蓓 巨蟹座 帮我取个英文名, 本人 名字里含蓓 瑞蓓卡 * 夏普 的英文名怎写?没啥说的 俺没钱了,就当是SHOW一下吧!THANK YOU Our English teacher ____ by the teachers and students.A.is good thought of B.is thoughtOur English teacher ____ by the teachers and students.A.is good thought ofB.is thought high ofC.is sung highly praisefor D.is spoken heghly of先解释下每个句 Who is the ______________(good) English student? b___ to divided into parts by force;to destroy the interest ---be divided into five parts ,according to the agreement.a may b should c must d shall为什么选d 应该怎么放 投影机的摆放高度方位距离 英语连词组句 他总的来说是个好学生. he, be ,in general , a good student