
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 21:26:26
1—30所有奇数 题西林壁里的不知庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中对后人的启示是什么.. 左边一火,右边上日下生. 印度洋的正中间是什么? 美国在印度洋的政策是什么? 太平洋,北冰洋,印度洋后面是什么?用不正常的思维想我去确认一下再来弄答案 帮忙修改英语作文(初二)The math teacher Mr Liu was my math teacher when I was in a primary school.He is knowledge and friendly.And very kind.How time flies!Now I amstudying in a mdeium school.And i never have forget he.When I became a gr 哪位同学可以帮我修改一下英语作文?正文:She became an astronaut because it's her dream and she's interested in space when she was a little girl.She is the US's second female astronaut,and she stayed in space station for seven days.S 帮忙改一篇初二的英语作文I think Wei Hua's weekend was busy.and my weekend was busy,too.Last Sunday i got up at half pat six the same as Wei Hua.and then I also had a quick breakfast.and then i began went to library.i was reading the books 修改一篇英语作文 初二My hobbies At past,I had many hobbies.Such as:listen to music,play the violin and so on.I used to listen to music when I didi my homework.I liked all the music,but classical music is my favorite.It made me relax. Bu 请英语高手帮忙翻译下,翻来覆去,单词也不难,就是看不明白.It was nothing for a girl to be sent away to service when she was eleven years old. That meant leaving the family as she had never been parted from for a day in her life b 有个朋友写的 单词差不多都知道 不过合起来看 看来看去 就是看不明白I actually continuously pace back and forth in 9 years and 3 years, did not know what I want is anything, how should choose, thereforeonly then slowly h 印度洋位于A、亚洲、非洲 B、亚洲、非洲、南极洲之间 C、亚洲、非洲、南极洲、大洋洲之间D、亚洲、大洋洲、南美洲、北美洲之间 这是一片英语作文,结尾 英语作文,开头,中间,结尾以给出,就添几个单词,开I’d like to say something about…中During the three days,I had a great time and enjoyed the trip/holiday a lot.结All in all,I think ________ is a beautiful and wonderful place and 夜行黄沙道中为什么是清风半夜鸣蝉,蝉在晚上会叫吗 六个连续奇数的和是168,求这六个奇数. 六个连续奇数的和是168,这六个奇数分别是多少 已知4个连续的奇数之和为168 那么其中最大的是 清风半夜鸣蝉晚上会叫吗我怎么没听见蝉晚上叫过 三点水加翼字怎么拼 英语翻译The amount of time the CCD is exposed to light before clocking out the accumulated charge is called the integration time. 儒家主张是否被统治者所采用 为什么儒家成为战国时期的蔚然大宗却没被当时的统治者采纳而是采用了法家呢?我个人理解是当时法家把封建帝王的权利提高到了顶峰,迎合了封建社会统治的趋势.还有什么遗漏或不足的请 哪个汉字能表示“绘画”的意思?我想找一个单字,除了“绘”“画”以外,能表示“绘画”“绘制”的意思.现代汉语或者文言都可以.各位博学多识的朋友给我指点吧, 已知,如图,在三角形ABC中,D为边AC上的一点,E是BC的延长线上的一点,连接BD,DE求∠ABC>∠CDE 汉字与图画的本质区别是什么? 5,7,9,11,.是从5开始的奇数,其中第1002个奇数是( ) 汉字与图画有哪些区别 朱自清荷塘月色赏析舞女的群 数字猜成语第1题:12345609 第2题:1256789第3题:1+2+3第4题:333555 请根据提示,把下面这些“看”的近义词填到合适的成语中。顾 窥 瞻 瞩 盼 觑 观 视 睹 察 见 览从管子里看豹————管中( 我们没有53页