
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 04:16:52
should people improve their appearance through plastic surgery?这个是论题,【人们是否应该通过整容手术来改善外表?】谁能帮忙找一些辩论材料,例句,事例,等等 越全面越好,正方反方都要.不要弄些中文的 英语翻译hoophouse,chicken tractor,这两个如何翻译还有nestboxes,waterers,roosts这些都是鸡舍内用到的工具 Young people should learn as much as they can in their first jobs and remember it will take some time to really get good.年轻人需要在头几份工作中尽量地多学习.记住,想把一件事做好,是需要花时间的. 1. as much as they can He wants ____ a good doctor.(A.to be B.to do C.being) Animals suffered at the hand of Man__they were destroyedAnimals suffered at the hand of Man_____they were destroyed by people to make way for agricultural had to provide food for more people. A. in which B. so that C. in that ABC三个答案中 not,they,the,school,are,same,in连成句子 为什么 as usual用什么时态?search out 与find与find out区别?最好有例题? 把"Are they in the same class?"用not改写 快 why a lot of people are now riding to work on their bikes.为要用on 而不是by? Alice is good at b--------- and she wants to be a doctor. It doesn't matter Time yes or is an earthquake dangerous?yes ,of course.this doesn't mean you can;t do anything about it .意思? came ____because her car had broken down on the wayshe came ____because her car had broken down on the wayA.walkingB.by footC.with footD.through foot  ___of them like to play basketball. ___of them like to play basketball.A.Each BEveryone CEvery DBoth大概知道前三个是错的,但both不是只能用于“两者都... her car was broken down because it was cold yesterday 同义句her car ___ ___ because it was cold yesterdayit will rain tomorrow ____ will ____ rain tomorrow He came on foot,but reaturned by my car because it was too late to walk.这句话怎么改错? I smile,but it doesn't mean everything is OK 什么I smile,but it doesn't mean everything is OK 什么啊 I smile doesn't mean that I Being happy doesn’t mean everything is perfect. It means you have decided to look beyond the imperfections.这句英文的满意回答 Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect.It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.的意思 School_Days哪集最色 Being strong doesn't mean having a stony heart,but having a smile through th school days 那集最色啊 school days哪集最黄 There is a hetel in front of the bank改为一般疑问句 She finished her work Then shen went home (两句和并成一句) mother wanted to be a good provider ,a role she has been shouldering since her marriage to fathe...mother wanted to be a good provider ,a role she has been shouldering since her marriage to father .后面那句化是从句吗?如果是怎么没引导 My mother usually __(cook)at 5 o'clock.为什么说出关键词好心人帮帮忙,明天交, 《If there is a conflict between "family"and"career"which may is your first choice?》 英语作文150字 急还有一篇《你的同意 " 第一个印象总是决定性的 " 》 的英语作文 when the sky was overcast,at which times there was no clear direction中which的成分 49.They flew to the US reluctantly,which means they went there_______ (willing)请分析下考点及解题思路 I thought I would take it form you,it will be safer in my hands than yours翻译