
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 18:12:54
I will always waiting for your arrival 初中英语作文Is life today better or worse than is was fifty years ago? 求英语作文life today better or worse than it was 30 years ago?life today better or worse than it was 30 years ago? 初中英语作文better health better life ”better city better life”初中英语作文(60字~80字)作文要求How do you understand this topic"Better City,Better Life"?(Give at least two reasons)What can you do in order to welcome the 2010 World Expo?(Give at least two examples)( 求设计一段2人的英语对话 主题是谈论天气 要求时间三分钟左右 特别高端的英文单词最好不要太多对话时间要三分钟左右要求加入最近的时事 询问 每个人都在这儿了吗 是Is everybody here?还是 Is anybody here? Everybody is here,___?A.isn't everybody B.isn't it C.isn't he D.aren't they为什么somebody用they指代吗? Everybody knows alan is here改为否定句--- --- Alan is here. why don't you send your friends some cards? -----------your friends some cards? 对画线部分进行提问急 谢谢 用is what to I (i) do like here连词成句所以的单词必须都用上,组成一个句子。 I want to send some(e-mail) to my pen friends适当形式 I want to send you some postcards.{改为同义句} I { } { } { } send some postcards { } you.I want to send you some postcards.{改为同义句}I { } { } { } send some postcards { } you. 请下载一篇sciencedirect上的英文文献,细节见问题补充标题:Cogeneration of hydrogen and methane from glucose to improve the energy conversion efficiency来源:www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360319908009051 我想要一个最适合自己的英文名字有哪位英语大侠帮偶取一下适合自己性格,又和中文名字有联系的,不要很大众一听就知道是我的女生,中文名字宋欣坤,宋薇都可以,可以什么什么song么,要很洋 想要一个很符合我的英文名我叫夏雪,是个喜欢中性打扮的.也就是一个T,我想要一个符合我的英文名.我性格活泼,开朗, Life was hard for me then but things have got better and better___the years.填一个介词 我想要一个合适我的英文名字我想要一个合适我自己的英文名字,悬赏的不多,我叫植传胜,男,二十多岁.作网络管理工作.,想一个好听,合适我个人的英文名字,最好详细解释下英文名字的函意.我 The,successful,king's,helped,everyone,tirp,in the country,better,have,a,life,in the future求连词成句,在等线 百年孤独里的句子 things have a life of their own 有错误吗,怎么是things have百年孤独里的句子 things have a life of their own 怎么是things have “a” life 可是他用的是 thing S 复数 后面 却用的 A 单数 怎么就 电影 2012 名字的英语读法是 two o one two 还是 two thousand and twelve most desirable things in life have to be "earned" -that is,怎么翻译,尤其是最后的that is 怎么翻译 求外语电影名字!求电影名!一部外国电影,讲英语的,应该是美国电影.我大约是在2003-2004年左右看的.该片讲述的是男主人公有一块手表还是闹钟之类的,可以把时间调快,于是,他可以同一时间做 Always wanted to tell you what 还有没有什么特别意思? 写《我的同桌》开头最好用什么方式写法 作文我的同桌怎么开头 life today is much easier than it was hundreds of years ago 我的中国梦的英文是my chinese dream还是my china dream啊? 谁知道麦克尔乔丹的名言 请问迈克乔丹的座右铭是什么?最好是英文的,谢谢 迈克尔乔丹和迈克尔杰克逊 一样伟大吗?只是假如~某天飞人也离我们而去 全世界的感伤会跟MJ的离去一样嘛?